147eld VS 135 atip OAL to lands

DJ Fergus

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2015
I'm running a 147 eld @ 2.864" to the lands in a 6.5 gap 4s. I'm wondering what my OAL to the lands would be with the 135 Atip? Can anyone who has seated both the 147 & 135 atip to the lands in their chamber give me the OAL to lands difference for these two bullets?
I am shooting the Hornady 147gr ELD Match in a 6.5X55 1999 Montana Rifle. On the Swedish 6.5X55 forum their was a article by PRB about this specific bulled that recommended it to be loaded .060 off the lands. I have a load made up with .020, .040 and .060 of the lands to test. Won't be able to shoot the loads until September now.
I am shooting the Hornady 147gr ELD Match in a 6.5X55 1999 Montana Rifle. On the Swedish 6.5X55 forum their was a article by PRB about this specific bulled that recommended it to be loaded .060 off the lands. I have a load made up with .020, .040 and .060 of the lands to test. Won't be able to shoot the loads until September now.
Let me know what seating depth works best for you when you get to shoot them.
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