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    • KYODE
      KYODE replied to the thread SSK 338-06 JDJ. There’s the link. Hard to find with just “above”
    • KYODE
      KYODE reacted to Switchback2's post in the thread 30-30 AI help with Like Like.
      Thanks a Ton
    • KYODE
      KYODE replied to the thread 30-30 AI help.
      Here is AI data gathered from various 14-15” contender barrel, and also from various unknown sources. Start low and work up as these...
      • IMG_0143.jpeg
      • IMG_0142.jpeg
    • KYODE
      KYODE replied to the thread 30-30 AI help.
      I have a 14” TC contender. I have not shot 110s so far. I’ve shot mostly 130gr hornady in it. I use imr4198 with good accuracy. You...
    • KYODE
      KYODE reacted to mjshell's post in the thread Contender/SSK-5 Hanger System with Like Like.
      I concur with Chris that you can’t truly free float a TC barrel. But you can standardize the pressure points. Like Kyode and Doug...
    • KYODE
      KYODE replied to the thread Contender/SSK-5 Hanger System.
      I prefer minimum contact. I have not, and will not perform any scientific tests to see if there are differences. BUT I always felt like...
    • KYODE
      I'm confused. If the hammer doesn't fall, is that a lockup issue? IME with the lockup issue, the hammer falls, but doesn't hit the...
    • KYODE
      Adding more to check ……have you adjusted the external trigger adjustment screws for engagement and overtravel? Allen head on top of...
    • KYODE
      KYODE reacted to ChrisRhodes's post in the thread Barrel swap and ready for deer with Like Like.
      My “can’t get in wheelgun range” tool this year will be a TC in various chamberings based on the critter. I just swapped it over to...
    • KYODE
      KYODE reacted to WV Hitman's post in the thread 2 milestones in 1 year with Like Like.
      I have been an exclusive handgun hunter since 1978. My true passions are Africa, groundhogs and deer. This year I accomplished 2...
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