ELDX Performance on elk


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2021
I know that this forum is about LRH, but please bear with me on this. I'm hoping to get some firsthand or observed reports on the performance of the ELDX on elk at close range. My elk hunting is mostly in timber and shots will most likely be 100 yards and less. Hornady seems very optimistic on this but there's nothing like "been there, done that".
I know that this forum is about LRH, but please bear with me on this. I'm hoping to get some firsthand or observed reports on the performance of the ELDX on elk at close range. My elk hunting is mostly in timber and shots will most likely be 100 yards and less. Hornady seems very optimistic on this but there's nothing like "been there, done that".
You might consider specifying the bullet weight and chambering (200g/.300 WM).
We've had extensive testing on elk with ELDX in a variety of weights and bullet diameters. Particularly 200 Gr (30 cal) 175 Gr. (7mm) and 143 Gr. (6.5 cal).

In our observations expansion/penetration is very predictable under 2900 FPS impact velocity (we always shoot for the crease). In our experiences we have found that regardless of caliber or bullet weight, any impact around 2650-2900 FPS the bullets have always made it to the far side hide - jacket/core usually separates, but still offers great wounding. In our experiences with the ELDX - It is VERY rare to see a full pass through on deer & elk sized animals (SHORT range).
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Here's one case where this particular elk was shot under 100 yards. 143 Gr. ELDX - the shot angle was a hard quarter toward us shot. The bullet passed through lung/liver and came to rest on the far side hide.

Impact velocity was a measly 2550 FPS. As you can see by the photos these are a fairly frangible bullet. If you shoot lightweight high velocity keep it off shoulders and the freezers will be full!


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Here's one case where this particular elk was shot under 100 yards. 143 Gr. ELDX - the shot angle was a hard quarter toward us shot. The bullet passed through lung/liver and came to rest on the far side hide.

Impact velocity was a measly 2550 FPS. As you can see these are a frangible bullet by just how far this bullet expanded at that modest velocity.

If you shoot lightweight high velocity keep it off shoulders and the freezers will be full!

I was also wondering about 30cal 200gr at say... 2700fps.

For a comparison on how frangible it is, how would you compare it to the traditional cup and core bullets like Speer hot cor, Sierra prohunter, rem core lokt, etc?
@Tac-O very similar to hot cor & core lokt. Alot of the locals here in north idaho use both those in federal factory ammo and remingtons yellow box ammo. I have observed several wound channels from those bullets and they are very similar.

ELDX offers very similar wounding with the added benefit of no deformed lead tips and higher BC's.
I might be a little off target but...last year I shot my antelope with a 200gr eldx at 200yrds. Muzzle velocity was 2880fps. I the harvested my elk using 220gr ELDX at 581yrds. Muzzle velocity was 2858fps. Both were behind the shoulder and both passed through leaving about a 2" to 1.5" exit wound. Both shots hit ribs going in and out. No fragments or jackets recovered. Both animals were harvested using my 300WM with a 26" 9 twist bartlein. I'm also running 0.200 over book max coal.
This bull was at 390. 212 ELD X, 2720 start speed from a 30-06. Crushed near leg and was in the hide on the far side. I like the heavy ELDX a bunch of the impact speeds aren't much higher than 2700. Above that they get a little nasty for me.


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My neighbor has killed 11 elk with the 143 eld x. They are 150-500. I bow hunt big game so my kills come from someone using my rifle or a client on a hunt. All good kills so far.

ME- I've killed quite a few wolves in close with a 147, 135.... not much different than a 143 from what I can tell. Iv'e killed several from 50ft-100 yards and all fur friendly so far. The 135A tip kill was 38 yards. Small 1.5" exit and never took a step. That was out of a PRC with mv at 3100. Guessing still around 3000 at impact.
Shot two antelope with 200gr ELD-X with a MV of 2920. First one was broadside at about 220yd, obliterated the shoulder on the way in and left a 2-3" exit just behind the crease on the opposite side. Wife hit the second one on an EXTREME quartering away shot at 368yd. Entered at the last rib on the right side, smashed through three ribs on entry, five more ribs as it exited the rib cage ON THE SAME SIDE, and we found the lead core resting against the spine about 1/3 up the neck. Extensive organ and meat damage (both tenderloins were bloodshot, 1/3 of the right side backstraps were mangled, and the right shoulder was completely bloodshot). I did not know which goat she was shooting or I would have told her to wait, but I've never seen an animal drop so hard.
This bull was at 390. 212 ELD X, 2720 start speed from a 30-06. Crushed near leg and was in the hide on the far side. I like the heavy ELDX a bunch of the impact speeds aren't much higher than 2700. Above that they get a little nasty for me.

Holy moly that's a smoking '06 load. What's the powder and your barrel length?
We're shooting the ELD-x a lot along with some other friends who guide here in Arizona, mostly the 143 6.5 and 175 7mm. The performance has been great, exceptional even, on long shots. We haven't used them at 100 yards or even under 200 but I think if I was looking for a good bullet at those ranges I would take a look at a partition or something along those lines. I've used partitions in a lot of my rifles at shorter ranges, they are accurate and do a great job performance wise. When I think about shooting those ranges where I hunt your often in the cedars or other thick trees and brush that may affect a shot. I'm sure an ELD-X would do fine close, especially if you stayed off the shoulder bone and poked it through the ribs, in the crease as mentioned above.
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