"Emotional Support Dogs".....SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2016
Frankfort, Ky
This is certainly NOT meant to offend anyone (only to inform :rolleyes:)....just a rant, really. I have a pretty decent background in the training of hunting/ field trial dogs and was a K-9 handler for my agency for several years. Recently, I've been promoted and "put out to pasture" (so to speak) to oversee the security of our Courthouse. Obviously, there are NO PROBLEMS with legitimate service animals being inside the Courthouse, but it seems (like everything else) there are people who are abusing the term "Service Animal" for things not even recognized by the American Disabilities Act...... such as "Emotional Support" dogs. I've recently had to refuse entry into our Courthouse (and subsequently be threatened with legal action LOL!!) to a few who want to bring in complete MUTTS (wearing a harness labeled "Service Animal"....most likely purchased off eBay) AND hand me some kind of completely bogus card (also most likely purchased off eBay or some silly website) that says their dog is a "Service Animal"). People NEVER cease to amaze/amuse me..:D

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I agree and feel your pain. Working with the public and be rewarding and disheartening. Just count your days to retirement and do something fun and stop and smell the roses.
They take them on airplanes too. I did a double and triple take when I saw that on a flight a year or so ago. There was one on the flight I was on 3 weeks ago too. If your emotions are that unstable I'm not sure I feel comfortable being on the same flight. Maybe we should express those concerns since us "normal" folks tend to get our right trampled on daily by special interest types.
At least they aren't showing up with miniature ponies yet - according to the ada those are acceptable as a service animal?! I had no idea...

I didn't either till I read that brief from the ADA website. We now have a copy of that printed off and it's kept at the front door/metal detector of our Courthouse. We're having to reference it with alarming regularity now.....
My ex-wife has one for PTSD...when I called it an "emotional support" dog instead of a "service dog" I got yelled at pretty good until I asked her what "service" does it perform?! But, with her being a veteran it makes it acceptable I guess...and yes she takes it on airplanes, etc...but only when she wants better seats...
I've seen them in restaurants around the town I live in. I've refused to give those restaurant any of my business for that. I won't allow my dogs to even be in the same room as food in my house let alone sit and beg at the table. I'm glad other kinda feel the same way, I thought I was in this boat alone.
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