Behind enemy lines in CA. Need to escape. Need help

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Wife and I left CA in 2010. 5 years later, after moving to Virginia, we started getting harassed by CA auditors for 'unpaid' vehicle registrations - to the tune of almost $50K! They were nasty and aggressive. I'm just a big government-hating A**Hole so I dug in and took them on - and won!

Sold 2 businesses in 1 year and had the time window to become a Wyoming resident in Cheyenne. 2 years later the State Of Virginia came after us for unpaid capital gains - same attitude as CA. I had expected that (based on my CA experience), so my documentation was gold plated. We won again!

We absolutely love it here. No need for carry permits - concealed or open. Great hunting and good honest people. Oh - and no state income tax, 6% sales tax, no sales tax on food. Libs are generally unwelcome. 15 years ago WY had a Dem. governor. He was so conservative he would have made Reagan blush!
WY is the 10th largest state in area and has the lowest population of all 50 states - less than 700,000. There are 3 times more cows than people!
All of you who are reading this are welcome - just don't bring your Blue State politics with you!
PS: If any of you are leaving a Big Blue State be forewarned- they don't want you to take your (their!) money with you. Pay attention - they Will come after you. Study up - this is serious!

Oh yeah - did I mention that most our Interstate Highway speed limits are 80 mph?
I have never seen a politician worth voting for. I have had the police surround my home and take my children before based off of an accusation and watched police being forced to carry it out say "i know this isnt right". Its not my duty vote for people i dont trust. Just sayin. I get the idea but dont trust it. All them people being voted in are part of the problem. Just like the police liked the policeman who swear to follow the Constitution and then completely do the opposite.
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If the fortunes made in high income states could only be spent in those states, our problem would be solved, it's too many"out of staters"with to much money causing us Wyo,and Id.
Good point! Just read an article about how the tech millionaires / billionaires in S.F. split town after the cash in on IPOs, etc. God forbid THEY pay the taxes that they have so long voted for!
Wife and I left CA in 2010. 5 years later, after moving to Virginia, we started getting harassed by CA auditors for 'unpaid' vehicle registrations - to the tune of almost $50K! They were nasty and aggressive. I'm just a big government-hating A**Hole so I dug in and took them on - and won!

Sold 2 businesses in 1 year and had the time window to become a Wyoming resident in Cheyenne. 2 years later the State Of Virginia came after us for unpaid capital gains - same attitude as CA. I had expected that (based on my CA experience), so my documentation was gold plated. We won again!

We absolutely love it here. No need for carry permits - concealed or open. Great hunting and good honest people. Oh - and no state income tax, 6% sales tax, no sales tax on food. Libs are generally unwelcome. 15 years ago WY had a Dem. governor. He was so conservative he would have made Reagan blush!
WY is the 10th largest state in area and has the lowest population of all 50 states - less than 700,000. There are 3 times more cows than people!
All of you who are reading this are welcome - just don't bring your Blue State politics with you!
PS: If any of you are leaving a Big Blue State be forewarned- they don't want you to take your (their!) money with you. Pay attention - they Will come after you. Study up - this is serious!

Oh yeah - did I mention that most our Interstate Highway speed limits are 80 mph?

Couple more things - good things we had Virginia plates on the vehicles until our WY plates came through. Lots of people would have shunned us while we were looking for new house if we'd had CA plates. I was in Pinedale a while back with a buddy to go prairie dog hunting. We stopped in to the BLM office for maps and local info. The woman at the desk asked if that nice pickup was mine and I said yes. She then asked me if I was from Ca (she could see the front plate) and I again said yes - and she took the maps back out of my hands and actually said: "Get the H**l out of our town and don't come back".

After we moved here we had get new phone numbers because most people wouldn't call us back because we didn't have a WY 307 area code! Seriously!
Come to Texas my friend.. We would love to have you!
Texans are good people in general. All the native Texans I know are common sense hard working people who believe in self reliance and freedom. But coming from Calif., the weather and lack of mountains takes some real getting used to. Also, most of the state is private land. However if Calif. keeps attracting millions more people, all the open public land won't matter anyway because they will be everywhere. Yosemite for example is just an outdoor Disneyland in the summer. Wall to wall people.
What ever happened to the group that was working on dividing California into two states? Northern and Southern California. Best idea I'd heard in a long time. It's the same in Oregon. Oregon looks almost entirely red on the political map by county. The blue Portland area liberals control the state due to population centers. Both houses of the legislature are super majority Dems and the Gov. is very outwardly anti gun. She's never seen an anti gun bill she didn't love.
Won't happen because the North part of California has the water that the South needs and the South has the votes to keep the North part from breaking off.
Austin is indeed full of idiots...but they are in the minority.
They give you clues like dying their hair blue and sticking pins in places they just don't belong.
Reminds me of insurgents wearing black ski masks in middle east.
You can't say they don't wear their colors.
Those people you simply avoid talking with.
The great thing is that TEXAS as a State keeps rolling back all the idiot laws that AUSTIN tries to pass. I love it.
Austin= No plastic bag.
TEXAS=cities can't tell you what bag to use
AUSTIN= Full medical leave for all employees
TEXAS= cities don't have the right to control independent companies compensation package.

the list goes on and on.

No income tax.
75-85 mph speed limits
Oil, Oil, and more Oil.

I moved from IN and know many from IL and NY

Those states are doomed by their taxes and unfunded pensions...just doomed.

Their politics have become like Venezuela

Lady friend(used fo be) of mine in Palm desert..worked at Indian springs resort....said she loved the area and all the people in it...the mix was awesome....
That's why she moved into a gated community....against guns...fights for animal rights groups... spoken in quite some time....but that's the intellect.....can we call it the democratic about the PELOSI SYNDROME....allow everything to happen as long as your gate is closed and locked......
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