Muzzle brakes...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Curious to see what everyones input is on muzzle brakes, I have done a lot of reading and research on many different brands. I want to put one on my 300 Win Mag.long range set up. I have kind of gathered that this is kinda like the Chevy, Ford or Dodge debate. I'm interested in your opions and felt recoil with your brakes!
I have had very good luck with Holland QD brakes. They tame recoil very well on magnum calibers. They also significantly decrease muzzle jump. There are a lot of good brakes out there these days but I have only tried a couple of them. You are correct that it is a Chevy vs Ford vs Dodge thing. Its all personal preference.
Curious to see what everyones input is on muzzle brakes, I have done a lot of reading and research on many different brands. I want to put one on my 300 Win Mag.long range set up. I have kind of gathered that this is kinda like the Chevy, Ford or Dodge debate. I'm interested in your opions and felt recoil with your brakes!

I'm a big muzzle brake fan. An effective muzzle brake reduces felt recoil and muzzle rise significantly.

Use the custom search on the top right corner and you'll see what most of us use for muzzle brakes.

Having said that, I am not sure if you know that it is now legal to hunt big game here in MT with suppressors.
I know that the suppressor are legal but I think cost and just wanting to reduce recoil and muzzle rise at the bench should be able to be achieved with a brake.
I just had a Mini-Mag Muscle Brake installed on my 338 RUM and it made a world of difference. I have used other brakes before but the mini-mag muscle brake is the best I have used. Piercision Rifles ( Ryan Pierce ) did my Rum and a great job with fast service.
Check out the extensive muzzle brakes testing on PrecisionRifleBlog. Will tell you all you need to know about recoil reduction, muzzle blast, staying on target, etc.
They are great off of a bench or on a varmit rifle. like others have said the Holland is a very good and effective brake. If you plan to hunt with the rifle either have it set up so you can remove the brake or hunt with ear muffs.
Are some of these brakes really able to reduce recoil that much? Some companies state 85% reduction where a 300 kicks like a 243?
yes some of them dad put one on my 300 weatherby when I was a kid. id say it kicked a little harder than a 243 but not much more. but like everything else not all of them work the same.
I've got a 4-port Muscle Brake on my 338 RUM and love it.

I don't want to quote % effective numbers as I have never tested out lots of different brakes, but they are extremely effective. the recoil on my 9.5 pound 338 RUM feels something about like a 308 win.

Remember that you can only reduce the recoil that is generated by the gunpowder... the bullet leaving the barrel is the recoil that you cannot reduce. Some brakes do angle their ports slightly backwards, but I do not know how to quantify how much the rearward gas exhaust can assist in reducing recoil. Maybe others can provide more insight on this.

Lots of good options out there, just make sure you have it installed by a competent gunsmith.

I've got a 300 win mag that I want to turn in to a dedicated target rifle, and I really want to try out a tuned Assassin brake. That's a brake you should include in your search.
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