Vortex Razor HD Spotting Scope Review

By Ernie Bishop

There have been several good reviews/reports concerning the Vortex Razor HD Spotting Scope from people I respect, and there is no doubt in my mind that what they have said is true. This scope, whether it is the angled eyepiece version or the straight design is a great spotting scope for its price point compared to other brands of spotting scopes in its quality range. In my opinion, it is the best buy for its class. I do not say that lightly.


I have had the privilege of using Vortex’s Razor HD Spotting Scope for several tactical matches, steel field shoots, bench rest competitions out to 1000 yards, prairie dog shooting, and for hunting deer and antelope. On one occasion, I was behind the scope for close to eight hours glassing for 17 people shooting steel targets from 200 to just over 1,100 yards. Never, during that time or afterwards did my eye feel strained. That in itself is a testimony to the quality of glass. I have not kept track of the hours I have spent behind both the angled and the straight designs, but it is many. Add to that the time my shooting partners have used it as well, and all are in agreement that Vortex built a winner with the Razor HD line of spotting scopes.


My favorite eyepiece is the 30x wide angle with the MOA reticle. They also sell the 30x wide angle eyepiece with no reticle or with a MIL reticle. Having a good reticle in a spotting scope is so useful for calling correction, whether it is for shooting steel or at prairie dogs; it makes it easy even when a novice is using it. The majority of the time I used the Razor, I had the 30x wide angle eyepiece on it with the MIL reticle. The reason? I have simply used this MIL reticle longer than the MOA reticle due to the fact that the MOA reticle has just been recently added. The spotting scope comes with the 20x-60x variable eyepiece when purchased.


If you are in a competition where reticle ranging is required, or if you are hunting and all of your ranging technology goes down, having a 30x quality spotting scope with your preference of reticle is definitely a feather in your cap. This assumes you know how to reticle range and you know the dimensions of said target(s). Most of our riflescopes that have a MIL reticle or MOA reticle do not have the magnification that a spotting scope provides. This also allows your spotter or your hunting partner to reticle range and give the distance while you are setting up for the shot.


First time users calling correction using the Razor with either the MIL or MOA 30x wide angle eyepiece were pleasantly shocked to discover how easy it was to call out accurate correction for their shooter(s). Confidence levels went up quickly, as they no longer had to guess what MOA or MIL correction was needed. If you are like me, you do not always know the size of the target you are shooting.


Those shooting also appreciated it, since now they were centering up their hits quicker because the correction was more accurate. The time frame between the shot fired and correction given was also quicker, since it is easier to call accurate correction with a good reticle compared to using a scope with no reticle.
