What's the best way to paint a Rem 700 stock?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
What\'s the best way to paint a Rem 700 stock?

I have a Remington 700 VSF in .308 and I love it. Only problem is I don't like the tan stock. I would like to paint the stock black. I don't need anything fancy, just plain flat/matte black. Should I just use a $3 can of Krylon, or should I get an airbrush kit? Are there any products out there specifically made for that kind of thing? I'm not really interested in trading or selling the stock to get a different one and I don't really want to pay $100 to get it "dipped" professionally. Any ideas? Thanks.
Re: What\'s the best way to paint a Rem 700 stock?

i have used krylon with good results i just got done doing 2 of them (one in tan lol)they turned out great just dont let any cleaning solution set on it very long they will look fine
Re: What\'s the best way to paint a Rem 700 stock?

Goolgle on Brownells, Sinclair and Midway then search within them for stock paint.

There are a lot of choices.

I wouldn't go the airbrush route as you will be in over your $100.00 limit before you start + the time to learn to use the airbursh.

Having said that, I use an airbrush as I like different patterns etc than come from factory/commercial houses.
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