
I'm not sure what I'd call him…. I respect the office and title but not him, his administration, or what he's doing to our poor country.

I would like to ask him just who the heck he was trying to shake hands with on stage after his speech in North Carolina when no one was there. Maybe all the dead people that voted for him?
I have never met nor seen a president even before they were named as president. This one and several others I would simply look them in the eye spit on the ground and say nothing.
If the president showed up at my door I would say "good morning Mr. Trump!"
I'm proud there are so many on this forum that is so like minded . What bothers me is that there are so many that can't see with there own 2 eyes what is going on with this so called President and the fake news , l can take one look at the filming of Jan 6th and understand what was going on . This country better wake up and vote these clowns out and put a stop too Mr President.
What would you call the President if you meet him
Heres an email I sent to my son last night.

clean energy
climate change
electric everything

So I've hammered the argument of thermal efficiency. nut shell. toyotas best engine is more efficient than the (power) plant I use to work at. not a little but a lot. Absolutely sure

heres an aspect that I didnt factor

that toyota to manufacture has a carbon foot print.
a 400 mile electric car has 2X the foot print.
charging + manufacturing means that you would have to drive that car with those same batteries between 800000 and 1 million miles to break even. carbon even.
batteries will need replacing... 80000 miles
We are being feed a bunch of bs, why?
Heres an email I sent to my son last night.

clean energy
climate change
electric everything

So I've hammered the argument of thermal efficiency. nut shell. toyotas best engine is more efficient than the (power) plant I use to work at. not a little but a lot. Absolutely sure

heres an aspect that I didnt factor

that toyota to manufacture has a carbon foot print.
a 400 mile electric car has 2X the foot print.
charging + manufacturing means that you would have to drive that car with those same batteries between 800000 and 1 million miles to break even. carbon even.
batteries will need replacing... 80000 miles
We are being feed a bunch of bs, why?
It's called being in control at all cost , that is what happens when the fed govt starts subsidizing things , schools wind power , solar power ranching , farming , food stamps , Obama Phones Illegal Immigration , the list can go on and on . Look who we are intertwined with one of the most communist country the world has ever known China . Wake up America we are a snow ball headed too hell , I pray there is enough like minded Americans left too get things back on track . I'm married into a ranching family and I can say with the price of equipment and fuel it hurts every time I climb on a tractor or Dozer . I don't know how much longer the American way of life as we know it will last . The fed govt wants control plain and simple , that's why.
Like others, I have always held great respect for the office……It is fundamental to the American Ideal. But, for the first time in 5+ decades of my interest in Political Science, the process leading to the current Presidents election, and the subsequent actions he and his cohorts have taken, clearly indicates the position, as well as our +200 year old system has been bastardized….Just as the Left desires. We can only hope that the Electorate possesses the strife to restore what we describe as America by voting them the out of office!