
I would address him as Mr. President, then....I would immediately ask him the difficult questions centering around how he has literally destroyed the concept of being an American, and why he does not put America First, and why the wholly inappropriate/illegal/creepy action of so many of our rich folks and politicians go unpunished/unarrested under his watch.

But all would be done long as that respect was returned back to me.
It would be a big lie if I said I respect Biden.

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what president ? check DOMINION WEBSITE and see who has stock in it . SUPRIZING MULLER who conduct TRUMPS impeachment is a big stock holder and other DEMOCRATS are big stock holders !!!!
I do not regard biden as the official elected president of our United States, there is more than sufficient evidence that points to a fraudulent election, this is what I believe the Constitution talks about when it mentions "gaurd against enemies from within."
I agree also so I would not call him mr president. What has biden done in the 50 years of politics except in 1990 push a bill through to make schools "gun free zone".

I would ask him if he believes in gun free zones prove it get rid of your guards and put signs on your house.
Yeah...have to agree...I'd call him
"President Trump".....the best we've had in office in years......
The idiot in there now deserves noones respect....even if he thinks he does...he knows he wasn't rightfully elected and should be treated as a traitor.....

I had jury duty the month of May....I told the lady in charge of the jurors that 'I will not give a verdict of guilty or not guilty if I am a seated juror......until the thieves and
liars that are in this administration and the 'oblameveryoneelse administration have been put into prison for all the fraud and fraudulent uses of 'the tax
The only true way to shut them down...

can't dump enough tea in all the harbors
I have great love & respect for my country, being a son & grandson of immigrants, home schooled in the U.S. Constitution, & taught to respect legit authrority but some how, like in the movie, Kurt Russell, Snake - "president of what" comes into mind.

It would be "Mr. President" or "Madam President" being the/my Commander in Chief no matter what my personal opinions were.

Then again, he doesn't work for us. He said so, straight-up. One needn't even mention the ill regard for the BOR (and specifically the 2A) constraints upon the people we hire.

Position aside, it's very hard to respect a given individual that shows so much disrespect for the role and the people who are considering hiring him.
Perhaps there is a pony in this pile of @$&T that we have been experiencing with our current President. Unlike his Liberal predecessors, where the same underlying philosophies and actions have been kept well hidden in the shadows for decades, he has mindlessly driven them with blind vigor, with no checks into the system for ALL to experience…….And it ain't pretty, His party is struggling to put this toothpaste back in the tube to little avail and this may very well be the revelation that exposes the true disaster that awaits OUR country if allowed by the Electorate to persist. The loss of a Democrat seat held for 100 years in Texas a couple of days ago is hopefully just the start!

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