2.5 at best. If this is worrying you so much and you do not give a hoot about the future of your herd, shoot the YOUNGSTER, load him, take him by the local hangout for mature deer hunters, strut in and brag a little about the big buck you killed, invite everyone out to look at the monster, then, listen to a few laughs while tucking your tail between your legs and moving on! Whitetails normally do not reach maturity till 4.5 and some till 5.5 years of age. Seems like that ole immaturity devil has his hands on your shoulder, whispering in your ear, "you just gotta kill him, go ahead and kill him, if you wait for him to mature somebody else might kill him!" In the past forty years of managing the largest whitetail club in our area, I have heard that more times than I can count and every time out of the mouths of immature or unethical, greedy and don't give a hoot about the future!