My New Rig! Target pics now posted!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
Martin City, MT
Well i had her since the first of December, Family engagements and weather have kept me from gettin it broken in and gettin this posted. Over Christmas break i finally got it broke in... the weather was nasty to say the least over the break(and still is) so shes roughly sighted in so far ive just shot horse apples at a 100. and dispatched the offending yard rabbit or two.. No paper yet. hopin the weather will be nice over the weekend, so i'll keep ya posted on that part.
The rifle was built by Joe Starnes(Longshot Precision) in Conrad, Mt. Joe does top notch work and he's a good, honest guy. He's easy to talk to extremely knowledgable and willing to help ya no matter what. I would recommend him to anyone looking for the best out there... I could go on but im tryin to keep this here are the specs

Caliber- 300 win mag
Fluted LH Nesika Model V Action
Fluted(by Joe) Stainless Rock 1in10 Sendero Taper
Custom Starnes Break
Reworked X mark pro trigger @ 2 lbs
Mcmillan Rem hunter stock (60 black, 40 forest green)
Reminton Bottom metal
NightForce 5.5-22x50 MLR
Neskia 20MOA base
Seekins low rings
Harris 9-13S bipod

I'm anxious to see how it shoots and i know i wont be disappointed, I'll keep ya posted.




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Re: My New Rig!

Very nice rig, is that the McMil stock? The green does not show up at all in the pics. If it shoots as good as it looks you will be all set!
Re: My New Rig!

Yessir that is a Mcmillan, as far as the green shown up in the pics i tried my best to get it to but no luck... And wat do you mean its Bass ackwards Lefty's are the normal ones in the shooting world!! You righties are the ones with you heads not screwed on right!:D:D
Re: My New Rig!

Sniper, nice stick. those black guns in the snow just have a look of "gonna get the job done"

it doesn't appear to have a pod-lock on the bi-pod. i would highly recommend getting one.

it seems to me that the righties are obviously the ones that have their heads screwed on "right"
Re: My New Rig!

When you are ready to sell it, I'm ready to buy it. Good thing it's not backwards with the bolt handle on the right side.
Re: My New Rig!

LOL if you want one that bad you'll have to go start your own project cause i aint waitin again.. well i went out an shot it on paper this weekend i know for a fact that the rifle will out perform me... my shootin as you can tell is a little rusty so i'll have to start doin some more quality practice time.. lol i pulled the one.... alot... lol... the 1st 4 shots are under .5 in ctc. shoots way better than my last rifle... ss7mm will hopefully post pics for me.
Have a good day,

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Looks like the 300 Win Mag suits you.

Am I seeing things, that fifth bullet hole looks very strange? Did you have the target at an agle or something to cause that oblong bullet hole? Looks like two bullet holes so you must have had it at an angle when you were shooting.

Was able toget out saturday with a 270 AM your familiar with. cleaned her up and found the rail base had been sliding back and forth. Put in four new longer screws and locktited them down and bedded the rail base to the receiver let them cure overnight so things would not slip any more. Headed out Saturday morning to retest it after a good bore cleaning. Launched 4, 150 gr Ballistic tips at 3520 fps. Not to bad at 1155 yards. Four shot groups meausured 7.4" ctc.


The wind got me on the third shot or it would have been a 3.5" class group. Again, not to bad at 1155 yards. Wind was pretty calm though, really good shooting conditions.

Anyway, glad your happy with your new rifle, with the componants used, it does not suprise me that it will be a shooter. Polish up on your shooting and I bet you will be keeping them in one hole all the time.

Now its time to get out to 1K and put her through her paces.

Keep us posted with your results.
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