Made in the USA important to you?

I have found myself over the last couple years putting heavy emphasis on whether or not something is made in the US when making a decision to purchase something, especially firearms related. Its why I went with a versamax over an SBE 2 a few years ago. The most recent example was going with a VX6HD over an NX8 (made in Japan). I am not perfect at it and I also want something of quality and reliable. I didn't use to care and never even considered the country of origin, I am now in my late 30's and somewhere along the way it started to matter to me. Just curious if any of you out there take that into consideration when making purchases?
Leupold VX Parts are all made outside the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
I am sure they get some parts from other places. I am ok with that - better than made in Japan or Made in the Philippines or worse made in China. This is from their website.

"Leupold riflescopes are all designed, machined, and assembled in our Beaverton Oregon manufacturing facility. We do not have any other riflescope manufacturing facilities or offices anywhere in the world."

I should add, I am not anti Japanese anything. I spent two years in Japan as a service missionary for my church. I still speak fluent Japanese and love the people and culture.
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Leupold VX Parts are all made outside the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
This is true and that is what makes it hard to buy American ! It's even harder to buy online , my father in law is from Maine and I found LL Bean because of him, twenty years ago I bought most things there American made now the same items are not . Shirts , boots , shoes etc! It's difficult to find the things made in the US.
Cabelas, Fred Meyer,walmart, binary, sportsmans....they are all running a high percentage of Chinese and other country products...
My 2019 tacoma is 25% Japan..75% usa and Mexico..probably qith some Canada by now.......
My 2001 was 50/50 japan, usa..still got 14000$ for it as my former wrist doctor smashed it in his parking lot....179000 miles on it....
Leupold man myself....although i have a pair of leica 10x42rfb that i am currently comparing to my 10-17 switch power Leupold......tough decision.......
As much as possible for me. Every bit is undoing the damage caused in 1972 when presidential disgrace dick Nixon gave it all away to the Chinese. Not a political comment... just stating the facts.
Sorry Guy but permanent normal trade relations was granted to China in 2000. I believe former President Nixon was dead by then. Recall Nixon got us out of LBJ's FUBARD Vietnam war and got the POWs home.
Absolutely! I've always tried to buy American.
But back when I was working and poor, budget considerations plus the difficulty in finding quality American Made products in the 70s, 80s and 90s often forced me to search out the best bang for the buck.

Now that I'm retired and REALLY poor, I simply purchase a lot less and demand American Made a lot more.:cool:
(Oh, And most of the foreign stuff in the inventory has been sold off)

If I'm gonna pass along my toys, I don't want the recipient saying 'This is junk' and throwing it away... I would hope there would be a big smile, with them saying, 'WOW! Would you look at this!':D
I have found myself over the last couple years putting heavy emphasis on whether or not something is made in the US when making a decision to purchase something, especially firearms related. Its why I went with a versamax over an SBE 2 a few years ago. The most recent example was going with a VX6HD over an NX8 (made in Japan). I am not perfect at it and I also want something of quality and reliable. I didn't use to care and never even considered the country of origin, I am now in my late 30's and somewhere along the way it started to matter to me. Just curious if any of you out there take that into consideration when making purchases?
While I would like to take this into consideration in all my firearms and firearms-related purchases but sometimes I'm just not willing to sacrifice quality to buy US made.

Example my Steiner M5Xi and my S&B PMii, at the time and possibly currently there are no US comparisons with the exception of USO which has had complaints about QC in the recent years or the Mark 8 which wasn't out at the time of purchase of both scopes.

Most everything else I buy is US made simply by default but then I still think distinctions have to be made. Is my Glock or Sig US made? On the slide of my Glock(s) it says "Austria" but on the frame it says "Smyrna, GA". So is this considered Austrian made or US made? I'm guessing it's like Toyotas in the US. The Tundra is the most American made truck in America but it's owned by a Japanese company. I think there's a lot of grey area in the phrase US made.
I'm not reading all of these comments, but I will point out that many companies making USA "assembled" products use imported parts.
Sometimes made in the USA doesn't carry as much truth as it did when I was a boy...
Sorry Guy but permanent normal trade relations was granted to China in 2000. I believe former President Nixon was dead by then. Recall Nixon got us out of LBJ's FUBARD Vietnam war and got the POWs home.
Right on brother. To the T. If Congress would of let Nixon bomb the Viet Cong / Vietnamese in Hanoi into Oblivion they would of surrendered and not of drug it out do long. Libs can't admit that. Democrats started the war with Kennedy. Johnson prolonged it. Nixon ended it.
While I would like to take this into consideration in all my firearms and firearms-related purchases but sometimes I'm just not willing to sacrifice quality to buy US made.

Example my Steiner M5Xi and my S&B PMii, at the time and possibly currently there are no US comparisons with the exception of USO which has had complaints about QC in the recent years or the Mark 8 which wasn't out at the time of purchase of both scopes.

Most everything else I buy is US made simply by default but then I still think distinctions have to be made. Is my Glock or Sig US made? On the slide of my Glock(s) it says "Austria" but on the frame it says "Smyrna, GA". So is this considered Austrian made or US made? I'm guessing it's like Toyotas in the US. The Tundra is the most American made truck in America but it's owned by a Japanese company. I think there's a lot of grey area in the phrase US made.
Bottom line. Toyota and Nisson are owned by Japanese and we are making them the profit. Yes we are employed but they are no means American companies. I won't buy them . I'll keep buying Fords thank you. Something about harbor bombers I won't forgive. We destroyed them. Built them back up. And then they take control of out economy . Something wrong there . Oh, I know. Not PC. I don't give a flip. I'm American. America first. This post will probably get deleted .
I was working in Helsinki in '98 and they absolutely hated buying so many Asian products back then. So glad to see Tikka stand out.
I'm more than happy to buy Japanese cars or buy Japanese cooking knives. They are not cheap junk, offer superior quality and the workers get a reasonable pay. The price reflect the quality and the labor behind it. Most Chinese junk is overpriced regarding both quality and the cost of production. It's just benefiting the Chinese state and a few rich people.
100% protectionism like a few her are promoting has historically never benefited a country's economy or the global economy.
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