Having issues getting the bolt to eject

Interestingly I just watched a video yesterday by Alex Wheeler about timing the extraction on bolts . It sounds like the smith never fired it after the build .
From your pictures as others have said, the amount of scratching on your cases definitely states rough, unfinished chamber!
I got a new gun. Remington 700 that was blueprinted. Got a McMillan stock in the game warden. Ordered a Carbon wrapped barrel in the 28 nosler. Had it put together and found the bolt will open up after a shot. But I can't pull it back. Takes a lot of work. Right now it's a single shot. Wondering if anyone has a suggestion on what's up. Head space is good. I'll include pictures of the brass.
One consideration or thought...once had the action blueprinted you will probably be told you voided any warranty...unless Remington did it at the factory...so... you could try putting a light covering of lapping compound on an unfired case....and working the action ....bolt up and and down and in and out several times...rotate the casing each time...might be enough to make the difference...
Just an inexpensive thought!
Sorry if I missed it, but did you fire this rifle before truing up the action? Hard to put blame on Remington when it's a blueprinted action and new barrel. Ask the guy who chambered it what he used after the reamer? What grit emery cloth?
ACTUALLY, it is the opposite. I had the same problem with a new Remington 5R in 300 mag. My cases were sticking. I spoke with a friend who was a professional benchrest shooter. If the chamber is tight and the finish is highly polished, the case has more surface area to grip the chamber. If you let it sit a minute or two I bet the case will contract and come right out. If that is the case (situation) you just need to rough up the chamber a bit with steel wool or scotch bright on the end of a dowel with a drill, just a little bit it worked perfectly for me.
If I have a rough chamber with microscopic peaks and fire a case, that case will form in those peaks. If I have a chamber that is highly polished, the fired case will have nothing to grab. I polish my chamber with 400, 600, red scotchbrite and flits at times. I don't have issues with brass sticking.
I've shot chambers that show rings on the brass and have ejected just fine. I've shot ones that were a bright reamer finish and extracted fine. I think the Hinnat book suggest nothing finer than a quick buff with 320 grit in the chamber to rough it up from the bright reamer finish. Varmint Als website has some good FEA models showing the differences between rough and polished but I'm sure you are all aware of those references. Like I said, on the Remington I sent back, I didn't see anything wrong with the brass or chamber.

I might have tried some feeler gauges wedged between the bolt and action cam surfaces with no benefit. That barrel also shoot the same velocity over the chrono even if I went up 3 or 4 grains of powder and maxed out 300 fps slower. Something was really wrong.
I got a new gun. Remington 700 that was blueprinted. Got a McMillan stock in the game warden. Ordered a Carbon wrapped barrel in the 28 nosler. Had it put together and found the bolt will open up after a shot. But I can't pull it back. Takes a lot of work. Right now it's a single shot. Wondering if anyone has a suggestion on what's up. Head space is good. I'll include pictures of the brass.
So once you bump the bolt does it pull back ok? If so, it is not an action problem. Rough chamber or if reloads you may have a sizing issue. How do you know the headspace is good?
Part of truing any Rem but especially and RR serial is retiming the primary extraction, which to do correctly a Smith much have the action and bolt!!
Super rough chamber finish does not help but odd are you have zippo primary extraction!
Chamber finish had a lot of effects, sometimes opposite of what many think!!
So once you bump the bolt does it pull back ok? If so, it is not an action problem. Rough chamber or if reloads you may have a sizing issue. How do you know the headspace is good?
The bolt will go up. But not pull out. That's all I got. I'm sending it back to the manufacturer
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