Couple APS Raptor XP-100s


Official LRH Sponsor
Jun 12, 2004
Fort Shaw, Montana
Just shipped a couple unique long range rigs, These are two of my custom Raptor XP-100 handcannons. A lot goes into these XPs to allow them to be chambered in pretty impressive chamberings.

6.5mm WSM Raptor XP-100


This Raptor XP is a joy to shoot, even with a 140 gr SST loaded to 3000 fps, recoil is less then my factory stock 221 Fireball XP-100 and no muzzle jump at all. Tested this XP at 500 yards which was really only because I had a handgun scope on it. Hitting 1 moa sized targets at 500 yards was EASY. With a rifle scope mounted on this XP, it would be a legit 1K handgun.

376 Steyr Raptor XP-100

This was the first 376 Steyr firearm I have built and have been pretty impressed with this little 375 cal round. I loaded the 270 gr Hornady SP flat base for testing this handcannon and was easily able to break 2400 fps with mild chamber pressures. I would estimate it would be easy to break 2500 fps with no problems at all. Accuracy was very good. At 500 yards, it was easily holding 1 moa but was not quite as consistant as the 6.5mm WSM. Likely this was simply due to the lower BC bullets being effected by the wind more and also, I will admit this handgun has abit more recoil and that could have been effecting my groups a bit!!!:D

Recoil is certainly not severe by any means but the very high expansion ratio chambering does not work the muzzle brake as well as the 6.5mm WSM chambering which has hardly any recoil at all.

For heavier game, I would feel confortable using this handgun out to 500 yards easily. The 260 gr Accubond would likely be a better choice and would have been the test bullet I would have used but did not have any in stock and thanks to Washington, bullet supply is a bit thin!!!

Anyway, just wanted to share some pics of a couple Raptor XPs, I really do like building these cannons!!!
Very Nice Kirby!

You sure make it tough on a guy that has an XP 100 action laying on the top shelf of the safe all alone !

I have a VERY early XP-100 in 221 FB in the top shelf of the gun safe. This little XP is nearly mint condition so I leave it as it came from the factory but each time I build one of these Raptor XPs I have to make sure I stay away from that little fireball in the safe!!! The way things are going with the XPs drying up, it may be worth ALOT of money someday.
Mine was already molested when I got it so I pulled the barrel and put it away for a future project. I really like the looks of those 2!

U don't have a kind bone in you!

I finally, after much planning, obsessing, anxiety and tons of research, settle on what my little bit of 'dream' money is going to get me. Then. . .

You post pics like those XPs and completely obliterate what ever I was dreaming about.

Sheesh, that Raptor design will haunt me in the night. My wife will ask what's wrong? I'll simply say 'night terrors' :D:D:D
All right, here is a little more innocent Raptor XP-100 handcannon porn!!!



338 Allen Xpress Raptor XP-100

This little pistol will rip out a 300 gr Berger out at +2600 fps, that's on par with most load data for a 338 Lapua rifle!!! Oh, and with the 5 port PK muzzle brake, you can use a rifle scope such as the NF NXS mounted on this Raptor XP and use full field of view with no worries about getting scoped!!!



I believe this one was a 300 WSM, can not remember and did not label the pics. I know its not one of my 338 AX Raptors because of the medium PK muzzle brake fitted to the barrel. Just drew a blank on this one.

Just a teaser!!!
Kirby, what's a typical turnaround timeframe for building one of these XP's?

I've got two (one is a '88 yr 7BR Bone stock, the other is a '77 221FB). I'm planning on customizing one (probably the 221FB) and am leaning towards the 7 SAUM.

Those are some sharp looking XP's.

Kirby, what's a typical turnaround timeframe for building one of these XP's?

I've got two (one is a '88 yr 7BR Bone stock, the other is a '77 221FB). I'm planning on customizing one (probably the 221FB) and am leaning towards the 7 SAUM.

Those are some sharp looking XP's.


These XPs take longer to build by far then one of my full custom rifles. Simply because of all the work needed to machine the custom recoil lug nut that holds the forward recoil lug in place, all the modification on the receiver and then all the stock work needed to reinforce them so that they can handle the stresses of these big chamberings. The dual recoil lug system really does a good job at this, without that, they could not handle the recoil stresses of these big chamberings long term.

As such, these XPs have the same shipping times as my rifles. Shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] and I can get you all the specific on shipping times and costs if your interested.

The 7mm SAUM is a great round but unfortunately, I do not see a bright future for that chambering. I have built several 7mm WSM and they are amazing in the Raptor XP, plus I feel brass will continue to be available for it long term.

Either one of your XPs can be modified for pretty much anything up to the Lapua based chamberings so original caliber does not matter much.
Awesome Pistols Kirby, Keep up the good work and the good Fight. Lovin my 338 AM XHS!!!!!!! Sweetest rifle Ive ever shot by far! - and gettin farther too!


Thanks for the kind words, you certainly are shooting that big girl very well from the reports you have given me!!! I always say that my customers make me look better then I do and its true!!! Without the very quality loaders and shooters that own my rifles, I would not go very far in this business, you guys really do make my rifles perform to their full potential.

For that and your friendship, I thank you!!
The 7mm WSM is one of my favorite chamberings in the XP-100 for a med level magnum chambering. The 338 WSM is also amazing. Its larger bore diameter really allows some impressive velocity out of a handgun length barrel. I used a 338 WSM for many years for all of my big game hunting and was never left for wanting more out to well past 500 yards.

The 7mm WSM with my PK muzzle brake is a ***** cat and in the Raptor XP, is a legit 1K handcannon.
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