Are you (edit for language) Kidding Me? MT and ID hunters read

In all respect. Judge Molloy----up yours!

I wonder how Judge Molloy is gonna enforce his decision?

The up side is his 'ruling' saves the price of a tag and removes the limit.:)

Justa simple rant! My bark is worse than my bite.:D
Wow...Molloy is something else. Is there any common sense left?

The 'conservationists', as the article states, (what misuse of an otherwise perfectly good term) sure know which judge to take their case to. I could think of a few other things to say...
And back on topic....Wyoming need's to oust that a-hole governor of theirs and let Game and Fish do their job. Regardless, Molloy is on a role this month. He also just ruled that the Forest Service's analysis on fire retardant is insufficient in regards to fisheries and will pull a hold on the use of retardant by year's end if they don't redo it. That should make next year's fire season interesting. Makes you wonder why anyone would want to be a biologist with the feds anymore.
You've got to be kidding!! The only thing we have been worried about is Wyoming screwing this up and now it's happened. For crying out loud, this is stupid why couldn't Wyoming just get a plan that would work for everyone and keep the ball rolling on this, there are rules if you don't play you pay!!!
I know Wyoming is going to take all the heat and blame for this BUT quite frankly I'm on Wyoming's side and I think the mickey mouse governors of Montana and Idaho caved in to the feds and should have stood by wyoming initially and we wouldn't be in this mess. By the way - I live in Montana and do 90% of my hunting here. Hell all Wyoming wants is to have the wolves stay in Yellowstone Park, the adjacent areas are considered TROPHY WOLF areas and if they come out of that then a wolf is in the same class as a coyote. Here in Montana - and I think it's not too far down the road - we're going to have wolves clear across the State clear to No. Dak. Wait until the suckers get into the Missouri Brakes and see what kind of wildlife and ranch problems are going to occur. When the wolves come out onto the prairie there is not a thing that can be done to stop them. Wyoming has filed a suite against the Feds. and are standing alone - time that Montana and Idaho woke up and told the feds how things are going to be handled by our State Fish and Wildlife and let the chips fall where they may. "Generic diversity" - GIVE ME A BREAK. If it wasn't that the fuzzy huggers would come up with something else.
I would be all for MT and ID getting on Wy plan but it just won't happen because thumbing your nose at the Feds just won't work as we see. Everyone knew the rules of engagement someone didn't play so we all pay!!

It won't change any plans I have if I accidentally run into a pack!! This will set some ranchers of for sure, this may be just what it take for the locals to go native on some wolf packs. One of the wolf biologist I talk to was afraid something like this would trigger a no holds barred killing of the wolf by average hunters during the general season, I think he is right. Hammer down now!!!
Trap a wolf, release it in Molleys house while he is at work and tell him that it is endangered and can't be touched....or just don't tell him it is in there and let the two of them sort the issue out on their own :)

Seriously, if there were a danger issue to my family the animals would either get the SSS treatment of gut shot to die somewhere unseen. My family trumps an animals every day of the week!

In NJ the Fish & Game department determined that NOT to have a bear hunt to reduce human / bear interaction would be negligent. NJ courts over ruled and no bear hunts.... pets go missing, bear break into houses...finally a new Governor and this year we will have a bear hunt. Sooner or later someones kid will get mauled and the public will be up in arms, but they were the ones that voted these morons into office !!

Elections have consequences.....certainly 2008 brought that home to everyone and should now realize that "hope and change" are just clichés.

Well the repercussions are already starting on this ruling. A number of Montana ranchers are proposing to closing up their properties to any hunting in protest of this latest ruling. One rancher said the more deer and elk he has the less chance a wolf will bother his livestock. No matter how you cut it - the average Joe hunter is going to take the blunt of this. WHAT A MESS.
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