285 ELD-M vs cow elk

Hahaha, I love it! I take it your son-in-law does not frequent this forum! I hope Ray does not mind me jabbing him too much! He should be use to me by now. Actually, he has been shooting about .2moa at 600 yards pretty regularly and it looks like he has taught his daughter well too........Rich
Thanks guys!
Not sure what an extra elk tag costs. However, all the time and effort that goes into getting things ready for hunting season might merit that extra tag!:cool:

I want to shoot the 225's in my 300wm I am having built. I found a new smith I wanted to try but he is the slowest gunsmith ever. All he has to do is finish bedding stock. I am hoping he can get it done early 2018!

Glad to stumble across this Thread. I just shot a couple animals recently with the 300gr Berger OTMs from my 338 Rogue, and the meat damage was a little more than desired on a caribou at 720yds. I'm considering a bullet change. Had been awaiting a 285 ELD-X offering from Hornady. But it looks as though the ELD-M is performing pretty nice. Anyone hit an animal with higher retained velocity - at closer range? If so, how much bullet survived, if a bullet was recovered? And how much bullet explosion caused meat damage?

Any estimates on MV to be gained in swapping from the 300gr Berger to the 285 ELD-M in a .338 Lapua Improved capacity cartridge? ~40fps?
Hi Paul! I have been shooting the 225's in my S.I. at 3100' with both RL33, and N570 today. I am going to test 570 some more because it is said to be more temp stable. If you run the numbers on the 225 ELDM, it has some amazing potential. Killing power and expansion to a mile!......Rich
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Glad to stumble across this Thread. I just shot a couple animals recently with the 300gr Berger OTMs from my 338 Rogue, and the meat damage was a little more than desired on a caribou at 720yds. I'm considering a bullet change. Had been awaiting a 285 ELD-X offering from Hornady. But it looks as though the ELD-M is performing pretty nice. Anyone hit an animal with higher retained velocity - at closer range? If so, how much bullet survived, if a bullet was recovered? And how much bullet explosion caused meat damage?

Any estimates on MV to be gained in swapping from the 300gr Berger to the 285 ELD-M in a .338 Lapua Improved capacity cartridge? ~40fps?
I'm not sure if you'll gain much speed even though it's 15 grains less weight since they have such a long bearing surface I think they will be similar speeds.
I've shot some whitetail up close (100 yards) with 208 a max in my 300 dakota and still great results! I hope to try the 225 eldm on a mule deer this fall at a ways off with my 300 SS.
Hi Paul! I have been shooting the 225's in my S.I. at 3100' with both RL33, and N570 today. I am going to test 570 some more because it is said to be more temp stable. If you run the numbers on the 225 ELDM, it has some amazing potential. Killing power and expansion to a mile!......Rich
Thanks for reporting Rich. I've been away from the Forum for a bit, but I see I need to sign in more often. Trying to get the hang of Len's new software.
I'll check out the ballistics of both the 225 and the 285. Sounds like Ray is using the 285 and happy. If Ray's happy, I'll probly be happy also. So I may rotate over in both calibers.

Will be a good excuse for some more trigger time... :)
Sorry for late reply
Idaho Trecker is right. Do not think you will get much more velocity with 285's but should be the same or a touch more. If I recall correctly, g7 is .417 same as 300g B word.
My 338 LAI runs at just over 3,000 fps with 285's and Retumbo
My 338 Termin8R 3,140fps with Retumbo.
I have not shot many animals with 285's. A couple Antelope, 3 whitetails, and cow Elk. All we're dead on impact! Meat loss was very minimal.
Here's an Antelope I shot at 700 something that was drinking from frozen stock tank. Had about 2" exit offside shoulder. It did not go far. Talk about putting them on ice!

Sorry for late reply
Idaho Trecker is right. Do not think you will get much more velocity with 285's but should be the same or a touch more. If I recall correctly, g7 is .417 same as 300g B word.
My 338 LAI runs at just over 3,000 fps with 285's and Retumbo
My 338 Termin8R 3,140fps with Retumbo.
I have not shot many animals with 285's. A couple Antelope, 3 whitetails, and cow Elk. All we're dead on impact! Meat loss was very minimal.
Here's an Antelope I shot at 700 something that was drinking from frozen stock tank. Had about 2" exit offside shoulder. It did not go far. Talk about putting them on ice!
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Haha talk about dead cold! You are right about being on ice. Those speeds make me want a338 terminator
Haha talk about dead cold! You are right about being on ice. Those speeds make me want a338 terminator

If I recall correctly you have a 338 Edge. If so, I would stick with that. Better barrel life in my opinion and your not giving of much. Besides I heard the rocks were scared of your rifle!

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