243 55gr Noslers, any reload this?

Use accuracy loads from Nosler reloading manual. 1 1/4" @ 200 with both out of custom .243 winchester 1x10 twist. H4895 is around 4000 fps and Varget load is around3600 fps. Varget load is similar to 22-250 velocity with 55 grain bullet. :D
Good comfortable load (half grain below the manual maximum because it shoots best there) for the 55g NBT in my Savage .243 is 44.0g of IMR4895, WLR primer, Win Brass, seated 0.020" off the lands. Shoots them into ~1/2" groups at an average 3,855 fps out of a 22" barrel.

I have about all the same to say except I use 45 grains of IMR 4895 and I found better accuracy with the 55 gr. Sierra Blitzkings over the Nosler 55's. Maybe my Tikka likes green tips better than purple tips.
Like LTLR I've burned up a couple of barrels shooting H414 and 55 Noslers.
Kind of a pain but a drop tube is your friend with this combo.
65 gr Vmax is the lightest bullet I use in 243 and it is the most accurate.

My guess is that I am not dealing with recoil correctly, and that 55 gr would be even more accurate.
Just wanted to kick this thread back to the top. I've just started trying to work up loads for the Nosler 55 gr. BT in a Remington 700 SPS .243 and a Savage 10 SR-T in 6mm Creedmoor. Since the 6 CM wasn't around when this thread started, I thought there might be some new favorite loads out there for both calibers
I haven't used the nosler but I have played with the 58 vmax in a 243 and it just wasn't that accurate, mine doesn't shoot it's best with anything under 85 grains. I was using imr 4350, which is a bit slow burning for this weight but still got around 3850 fps out of a 22" barrel. Stupid loud, bit flash. Very satisfying in explosivity. Blew a 6 inch ENTRANCE wound on a smallish pumpkin, no exit. By contrast the 90 grain Sierra fmj went through 9 pumpkins and kept going.

I think imr 4064 or the newer 4166 might be perfect for this bullet weight in the .243. No experience with 4166 but I know the original 4064 is superbly consistent.
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