They also started the trend of little guns doing more then they should
My history says it was episode 121. I never watched the whole thingI'm a bit confused. I've heard of the first podcast episode you referenced, and tend to agree with the premise that more than three or five shots need to be fired to determine group size. I've not heard the second podcast you mentioned. Are you saying Hornady is telling folks they need a 20 shot group to determine group size (first podcast) and they are also saying a reloader can determine a loads accuracy with just two shots after a change? Those two directly conflict with each other, so I must be misunderstanding?
Like melting plastic tips???Yes. And atips. Accuracy can be tuned with bullet seating depth, powder charge and/or a tuner. It's been common knowledge since I started in the early 90's. I don't know why Hornady is trying to convince otherwise other than maybe they are struggling with accuracy and just trying to convince this is normal