Depends on how much you want to pay and what you consider east. Illinois has some real nice deer. It's one of the premiere deer hunting states. Illinois out of state buck tag will cost you over $450. Ohio has similar deer and a tag will run around $150. Kentucky is putting out some good ones in the last few years. Iowa is another good state. Anywhere crops are corn and soy beans will produce big deer. Kansas is a good state but not really in the east.
Feeding is a routine practice but not much help. The big bucks travel a lot once the rut starts and mostly they are eating in crop fields any way. I have watched deer walk over a pile of corn to eat acorns in the fall. Don't believe what you are seeing on you tube. Hunt a free range farm and you could spend weeks in a stand and not see one. Any area with good bucks gets a lot of pressure. I have seen deer walking thru the woods looking up in the trees for hunters. If you can't defeat all their senses you will be a hungry and bored hunter.