Whats the worse most dangerous hunt you ever went on ?

Absolutely but I would sure like to be the bear for the photo shoot 😂
Now... you guys do realize that...

Her sisters, best friend is going to see that picture...

She is going to complain to the HR department...

The HR department is going to launch an investigation... of course there will be at least 2 women in the interview...

They will question the bear on his actions. What makes him think that he could put a paw on her butt...

They will then tell the bear that there will be other interviews, investigation and a decision will be made whether there will be disciplinary actions or not...

Then... there will be the investigation results meeting and at that meeting they will tell the bear that it's his first time... that it's a verbal warning and that he has to watch at least 2 or 3 sexual harassment training videos...

The girl... she was just thinking... hmmmm big paw... wonder what else is big
I was hunting coues deer by myself east of Tucson. I was going up a steep hill and there were catclaws on both sides of a big rock. I decided that the easiest path was over the rock rather than through the catclaws. The rock looked a little unstable, so I set my rifle on it and put some weight on it to test it. It seemed o.k., so I put both hands on it and pushed myself up. As soon as I had my full weight on it, it started to move. I jumped back, grabbed my rifle, and jumped to the side. The rock rolled about 10 feet and crushed an 8" tree. I sat down, and I had so much adrenaline in my system that I couldn't stop my leg from jumping up and down. I said a short prayer and went home.

On a javelina bow hunt, I wounded a big male and was following the blood trail. The pig went into a jumble of catclaws and there was a small path through just big enough to go on hands and knees. After a few feet, it opened up into an 8' clearing. I was unhooking from the catclaws and looking at the blood on the ground when the pig charged from about 6' away and on my left. I had a nocked arrow in my bow and I pointed it at him. Lucky for me, he died just before he got to me.
I had a couple of bad hunts. One time while hunting deer on Mapleton Mountain in Utah, there was a group of three armed guys that tried to steal my deer I was dragging. Looking at the business end of my old Remington .30/06, they decided to go somewhere else in a hurry. My deer tag was clearly seen on the buck's antlers.

Another time when I was groundhog hunting, I fell over a cliff at an old rock quarry and got really busted up. I crawled to my vehicle and made it home and was taken to the hospital.

A couple of years ago I was busted up in another fall while hunting and received some injuries that will slow me down for the rest of my life. Hunting rough areas is dangerous. I still hunt there but will use more caution.
I skipped a bunch of the bad parts .Its a miricle i lived through all that crap and alot more i didnt even tell yet .I had a radio to keep brears away and a huge fire as soon as radio went out after 8 dayz bears tried to get into the tent many timed .I hsd a huge fire also and as soon as it was put out by snow then brears were not afraid to come on in .That tent calasped from snow many times and had over 200 burn holes in it from the bear fire .I am not kiddimg every tree was grizzley clawed .The plane that got me out almost crashed serveral times .I stayed in alaska 12 yeara after that and the girlfriend that stole $92000 off my credit cards and set up that hunt that waa supose to be my last ever It made me by a 416 rem mag for bears and not ever ger dumped off by myself again .I had anothrt gal wamt tp dump me off for a goat hunt on a glacier after that i said no way .Yep it was one of the toughtest things i ever went through in my life .I had two bad advebtures with another friend and we both could have easily died from the crap we went through .I had to pull him in the zodiak in totally water logged waiters thatbmust have had 200 pounds of water in plus other dangers .The other time we got stuck at -30 15 miles out and he had no shovels chains or any way to get us unstuck

Just wondering if your girlfriends might have been English majors? :D Just kidding, great story!
I skipped a bunch of the bad parts .Its a miricle i lived through all that crap and alot more i didnt even tell yet .I had a radio to keep brears away and a huge fire as soon as radio went out after 8 dayz bears tried to get into the tent many timed .I hsd a huge fire also and as soon as it was put out by snow then brears were not afraid to come on in .That tent calasped from snow many times and had over 200 burn holes in it from the bear fire .I am not kiddimg every tree was grizzley clawed .The plane that got me out almost crashed serveral times .I stayed in alaska 12 yeara after that and the girlfriend that stole $92000 off my credit cards and set up that hunt that waa supose to be my last ever It made me by a 416 rem mag for bears and not ever ger dumped off by myself again .I had anothrt gal wamt tp dump me off for a goat hunt on a glacier after that i said no way .Yep it was one of the toughtest things i ever went through in my life .I had two bad advebtures with another friend and we both could have easily died from the crap we went through .I had to pull him in the zodiak in totally water logged waiters thatbmust have had 200 pounds of water in plus other dangers .The other time we got stuck at -30 15 miles out and he had no shovels chains or any way to get us unstuck
Is your nick name Lucky?
My almost did not make it back hunt was duck hunting in the early 70`s . In Nov. and Dec . we had a late season hunt on Lake Michigan for Blue bills ,Scaup Old Squaw and other big water Ducks . Bag limits were generous .10 a day on the Blue Bills alone.
My partner and I took a deep , wide 14' boat with a 25 Evinrude out of Port Washington Wi Harbor. We had a boat load of dekes to set out and were to meet our friends on a point on the lake that was Public Hunting . Almost as soon as we cleared the Harbor , the gas line froze . It was about 17 degrees and snowing with a brisk west wind . We both got on a oar and rowed like crazy . We kept getting blown out into the lake . There were some sizable waves and big rollers . Things were not looking good . We gave it everything we had and eventually made it into shore about two hours later . There was lots of praying going on as we thought we were goners .
Then we used the anchor line to hold us to the shore and eased out to set the Dekes out .
All that work and the hunting sucked . One of the guys had gone to a Gas Station to get something to unfreeze the gas line . It cleared the motor up , so we picked up our gear and headed back in . While going back in my gun case and brand new Browning Superposed got soaking wet . So when we left , I dried the gun , broke it apart and wrapped it into a Dry Coat.
Not the end of the story . On the way back home we came on a piece of Public Hunting ground for rabbits and decided to give it a try . So we hunted for about an hour and picked up 6 bunnies . There were four of us . So I break apart my shot gun and wrap it back in the Coat . We pulled out and did not go a half mile when there are Red lights and a siren behind us . We pulled over and a Warden got out of his car and approached us . He wanted to check our shot guns to see if they were unloaded . We complied . When he got mine he took it and threw it in the back seat of his car ,I asked him ,what the blazes was going on . He told me I was illegally transporting it as it was not in a zippered gun case . I showed him my soaking wet gun case ,explained what happened and he said tough sh t . He wrote me a ticket and said I could go to court or pay the fine at his residence and pic the shot gun up . I had to wait a week to go get the gun and when I got there ,he was not around . His wife said I could pay her and she would give me a receipt and the shot gun . When she gave me the shot gun it was still in 3 pieces and all rusted , plus dented and dinged . I was not a happy camper and told her I hoped I would meet up with her husband again in the woods . End of story .
I can't really I have ever had a scary hunt. Thankfully!
The only thing that made my heart race was walking through the brush in the dark has been coveys of quail flushing up in my face. This has happened numerous times. I'll never get used to it.
One thing that made me kinda uncomfortable was when an 8' alligator showed up at the Ranch house pond which was 4 miles from the Nueces river. That gator had walked through 4 miles through some of the nastiest of South Texas cactus and thorns to get to that pond. Game Wardens said it may have been attracted by ranch house dogs and dispatched it as a nuisance. After that I have always been a little more alert while walking down a trail at night or early mornings getting to a blind, especially between the house and the river.
I've been in a few dangerous situations hunting. The only one that really got to me, was walking to a treestand in the dark. Walked right into a large spider web and pasted a large spider to my face. I don't think I'll ever move my arms that fast again in my life! It was probably as scared and bewildered as me.
I've been in a few dangerous situations hunting. The only one that really got to me, was walking to a treestand in the dark. Walked right into a large spider web and pasted a large spider to my face. I don't think I'll ever move my arms that fast again in my life! It was probably as scared and bewildered as me.
lol 😂 I have done that exact same thing, I almost beat myself to death trying to get that thing off my face 😂
I actually have one hunting trip that brings back nightmares of a close call that could have been fatal.

Solo hunt. About 4 miles and 6 hours from the morning parking spot, I connected on a good mule deer buck.
Out of food, almost out of water. Not hot though. I got the buck quartered up, and wrapped the quarters I was leaving there in extra t-shirts to keep the coyotes off.

I had a rear quarter, backstraps, tenderloins, and head and cape on a VERY heavy pack out of the canyons. My goal was make it to a road, ditch the pack and rifle, and go get the truck unburdened.

These canyons were in a burn area, and deadfalls littered everywhere, along with catclaw choked bottoms. While crossing a deadfall, I slipped and impaled my inner thigh on a broken off branch about 3/4" diameter. No clue how deep it was. I though, "Oh sh!+, where did that just go?" I dropped my pack very carefully, and got out a pocket knife. I cut my pants to see the impalement. It was right where my femoral should be. I thought I was screwed. While trying to reach down for my bone saw...I slipped again and off the impaling branch I fell. I was scared to look. Blood flowing for sure, but I literally saw my femoral artery right where the hole was, but unpunctured. Let me say, the femoral artery is a big vein. It must have pushed out of the way when the branch stuck me.
I loaded back up, made it to the bottom of the last canyon where the road was on the opposite ridge, and I was spent. Laid down and took about an hour long nap. That last climb out wrecked me. Made ot to the top, walked 2 miles and got the truck, drove back and loaded the pack up and headed for camp to assess the damage. Cleaned it up and out.

The next morning, I headed back out to get the rest of my deer, and my leg was stiff as heck. I found a small 2-track about 1/2 mile and 1 small canyon away from the deer. Still took my 7 hours to get the rest out.

I am very VERY careful crossing deadfalls now.

I actually have one hunting trip that brings back nightmares of a close call that could have been fatal.

Solo hunt. About 4 miles and 6 hours from the morning parking spot, I connected on a good mule deer buck.
Out of food, almost out of water. Not hot though. I got the buck quartered up, and wrapped the quarters I was leaving there in extra t-shirts to keep the coyotes off.

I had a rear quarter, backstraps, tenderloins, and head and cape on a VERY heavy pack out of the canyons. My goal was make it to a road, ditch the pack and rifle, and go get the truck unburdened.

These canyons were in a burn area, and deadfalls littered everywhere, along with catclaw choked bottoms. While crossing a deadfall, I slipped and impaled my inner thigh on a broken off branch about 3/4" diameter. No clue how deep it was. I though, "Oh sh!+, where did that just go?" I dropped my pack very carefully, and got out a pocket knife. I cut my pants to see the impalement. It was right where my femoral should be. I thought I was screwed. While trying to reach down for my bone saw...I slipped again and off the impaling branch I fell. I was scared to look. Blood flowing for sure, but I literally saw my femoral artery right where the hole was, but unpunctured. Let me say, the femoral artery is a big vein. It must have pushed out of the way when the branch stuck me.
I loaded back up, made it to the bottom of the last canyon where the road was on the opposite ridge, and I was spent. Laid down and took about an hour long nap. That last climb out wrecked me. Made ot to the top, walked 2 miles and got the truck, drove back and loaded the pack up and headed for camp to assess the damage. Cleaned it up and out.

The next morning, I headed back out to get the rest of my deer, and my leg was stiff as heck. I found a small 2-track about 1/2 mile and 1 small canyon away from the deer. Still took my 7 hours to get the rest out.

I am very VERY careful crossing deadfalls now.

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You are a lucky man