What’s your favourite hunting arrow?

Victory RIP TKO, 5mm woven carbon shaft. Great strength to weight ratio. Was shooting them with 200 grain Cutthroats up front plus Easton brass hit insert and iron will collar. Extreme strength up front. That was arrow was 600 ish grains tho and no need for that heavy so I'm going with a 125 up front this year. Put me around 525 from 80# Hoyt ventum. I'll probably go with iron will wides or standard. Possibly quad exodus swept.

Micro shafts in the 4mm and smaller range just have too many little issues getting components that are strong enough and straight enough. All outserts and half outs from factory WILL bend after a few hundred shots into bag targets etc. They WILL. And it stacks leverage 1/2" past the end of the shaft to snap tips off even easier. 5mm and larger are just way easier.
Hint: gorilla glue hot melt is way too easy and strong for me to use anything else. And I can change or salvage components from arrows. Just be smart about the heat and cool tip in water. Zero issues or pull outs. Can reheat and spin to get perfect if needed.

If you feel you must use 4mm and will shoot yeah difference in wind drift, then I'd only consider the iron will Snyder core and glue the whole works in with good prep( sanding and wiping with acetone)
Anyway, thought this might help.
3River's archery Trade Only Barebow's which are Easton Axis 5mm with a white coating.
The white adds a little extra weight to the GPI and also aids gap shooter's like myself to be able to better see shaft in lower light.
To answer your question:
Easton Axis 300's,
125gr. G5 Striker up front and 2" Blazer vanes and Bohning X nock riding on the back.
Out of my 70# 2012 Hoyt Carbon Element, this combination has shot through every elk I've shot them at.
Easton full metal jackets, great on elk if you ever have the opportunity

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