Weaver tacticle vs weaver euro style


Dec 16, 2012
I am looking seriously into purchasing a weaver scope for my sons first rifle(243). I am torn between the 3-15 illum edmr or the grand slam euro with illum German crosshairs. I realize both are bit overkill but the gun it's going on will be shooting 4-800 yards eventually. Does anyone have insight on the model 800373? I want something with a reticle to pull off late night shooting for coyotes and hogs as well as range work. Weight is not an issue because I will be handling the gun for him most of the time. Also, would the euro be any good at the range? I have never used a hunting stylus reticle with target turrets. Anyone want to explain why this is more useful?
Thanks guys
Great night hunting reticle
Somewhat simple but doesn't limit him later
Something to shoot 500 yards with ease
Lockable turrets to limit frustration
Are all what I am insisting the scope do reliably
Based on the fact that the glass is the same as the tactical. Based on (to me) could be viewed as a good hunting reticle. Based on the attractive knobs it has and the fact that they are a scaled down version of the tactical. It may actually look better on a hunting rig. To me it has a lot going for it unless you have to have a ranging reticle.
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