Tikka Tuesday Take 2!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2010
Bozeman, MT
The last Tikka Tuesday Sale crashed our server with all of your traffic. Now that everything is rebuilt we are going to continue the fun through the rest of December.

Everything on our site will be on sale to make up the time our site has been down.

This will include popular items like the GRS adjustable line of stocks for Tikka, Remington, Browning, Sako, Howa, Weatherby , and new this month… Ruger!!!


We have shipment of Tikka GRS stocks with AICS bottom metal on their way that you can have before Christmas.

XLR Evolution stocks will be at the lowest price of the year and we have plenty of other goodies to treat yourself.


Vortex Optics has joined the fun and has provided a few of these most popular products for sale with free shipping in the US with coupon code: vtxfree

Don’t miss out on Tikka Tuesday all through December!!!

***Sale prices are only applicable to new purchases only***

Visit www.tikkaperformance.com to take advantage of these savings!!!
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