The new Magpul hunter 700 stocks for sale. These are for the short action remington 700.
2 Magpul hunter 700 stock in black 215ea shipped
1 Magpul hunter 700 stock in flat dark earth 215 shipped
3 Magpul hunter 700 detachable mag well bottom metal. Converts hunter 700 stock to detachable mag for use with Magpul 7.62ac mags and the like. 50ea shipped
2 Magpul hunter 700 stock in black 215ea shipped
1 Magpul hunter 700 stock in flat dark earth 215 shipped
3 Magpul hunter 700 detachable mag well bottom metal. Converts hunter 700 stock to detachable mag for use with Magpul 7.62ac mags and the like. 50ea shipped