Terminus Zeus “King of Gods”

Joel Russo

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2006
Harrisburg, PA
I ordered a prefit barrel from Bugholes chambered is 6.5 Creedmoor, and screwed it on my quick change Zeus action. Did some load development this weekend and landed here.

Lessons to be learned here...
If both the action manufacturer and guy producing the pre fit barrel do their job, the results can be quite good.
Barrel guy does not need your action.
I hold .0015" headspace tolerance on every Terminus action I ship. I also publish a tennon print on the website which is an easy guide for the guy doing the barrel.
Terminus is the refined 3 lug action.

Joel, can you go thru your process of installing the pre fit barrel... torque specs, gauges used, etc...?
I ordered a prefit barrel from Bugholes chambered is 6.5 Creedmoor, and screwed it on my quick change Zeus action. Did some load development this weekend and landed here.

Lessons to be learned here...
If both the action manufacturer and guy producing the pre fit barrel do their job, the results can be quite good.
Barrel guy does not need your action.
I hold .0015" headspace tolerance on every Terminus action I ship. I also publish a tennon print on the website which is an easy guide for the guy doing the barrel.
Terminus is the refined 3 lug action.

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I ordered a prefit barrel from Bugholes chambered is 6.5 Creedmoor, and screwed it on my quick change Zeus action. Did some load development this weekend and landed here.

Lessons to be learned here...
If both the action manufacturer and guy producing the pre fit barrel do their job, the results can be quite good.
Barrel guy does not need your action.
I hold .0015" headspace tolerance on every Terminus action I ship. I also publish a tennon print on the website which is an easy guide for the guy doing the barrel.
Terminus is the refined 3 lug action.

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What size barrel is that
I ordered a prefit barrel from Bugholes chambered is 6.5 Creedmoor, and screwed it on my quick change Zeus action. Did some load development this weekend and landed here.

Lessons to be learned here...
If both the action manufacturer and guy producing the pre fit barrel do their job, the results can be quite good.
Barrel guy does not need your action.
I hold .0015" headspace tolerance on every Terminus action I ship. I also publish a tennon print on the website which is an easy guide for the guy doing the barrel.
Terminus is the refined 3 lug action.

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What is the finish on your barrel?
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