I known this bow very well, enough to know, paper tuning is not a sure sign your bow is tuned properly. If you compare field tips to broadheads you will see a big differ in flight if tuning is off, you should be able to look down the arrow from the front of the bow(do not draw back), it should lined up with the crosshairs in the scope and the nock resting position when the bow is at full draw, if it is off, move your rest one way or another (of coarse when looking overtop of your xbow at the shaft the shaft should be center on the rail if your nocking point is centered), I fine tune my tac ord and tac 15 by sight of alignment of arrow then make adjustments per results seen by comparing differ in flight between field tips and broadheads
If you bh's are high to the left from the ft's, your rest would be moved down and right
1/2 groups are very common for me at 70 yds using selected arrrows
Number all your arrows, be aware I have seen, depending on the batch up to 30% of my arrows do not shoot acceptable for me, most of the time I can refletch them, I have only thrown 2 away, however I do seporate my arrows 1/2" group, 1" group, 1 1/2"group at 70 yds
good luck, Btw this info is based on the fact, your limbs are timed properly