Don't know why I cannot find this however I have been searching for a few hours. I was going to have a remington action I have on hand tuned at long rifles inc and the wife has decided she wants the old 30-06 stock and will take it over. I want to build up a 300 win mag and obviously use some of the heavier higher bc offerings and am curious if the magazine length on the savage actions with detachable or hinged floor plate allow the bullet to be seated out as far as the remington actions especially as I experience throat erosion and want to take it out further. I was completely convinced on going the remington route but after reading so much about the savage I will consider them.....the two most accurate guns I own currently are both savage in .204 and .243. The .204 is 1/4 moa and the most accurate weapon I have ever personally been around. It always make people smile and I love to take a challenge here and has yet to lose! The .243 is an axis and outshoots all of my higher dollar guns around 1/2 moa pretty consistently and I won the darn thing and a DU raffle. Everything is out the window though if savage will have issue feeding the high bc boolits. Thanks all.