Sale Of Barrett To NIOA:


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2019
I was surprised. I just wondered how everyone feels about it?
I guess I feel like yet another grass-roots company/ product, that most everyone is proud of, has been sold to foreign holdings.
I realize that they are already firmly imbedded in American companies & hopefully nothing will change, but Barrett was........BARRETT!
Well at least it wasn't sold to a country who speaks a foreign language the Western world is the Western world
Judging by the actions of Australia, New Zealand and Canada the last few years.... combined with Britain sending to police after people who say mean things.... and our current domestic cluster. I'm not as bullish on the western world.

Here is to hoping it keeps rocking solid products that land on the right side of tyranny.
Judging by the actions of Australia, New Zealand and Canada the last few years.... combined with Britain sending to police after people who say mean things.... and our current domestic cluster. I'm not as bullish on the western world.

Here is to hoping it keeps rocking solid products that land on the right side of tyranny.
Even though Rob Nioa is based in Brisbane Queensland Australia he is a very well-known international arms dealer as far as I know he's dealings so far have been on the right side of tyranny and hopefully as you say nothing changes in that regard.
But he's out to make money he's the only main firearms importer who started all the lever action straight pull button release modified semi-automatic shotguns so at least we had something better than a under and over I've got to hand that to him .
Good to know, figure its like here 53/47 tyranny vs freedom but the 53 has the bullhorn. Just hard to tell from thousands of miles away. Aside from mcm and Jon Anderson I know very little about Australia. Hope I works for the better.
Good to know, figure its like here 53/47 tyranny vs freedom but the 53 has the bullhorn. Just hard to tell from thousands of miles away. Aside from mcm and Jon Anderson I know very little about Australia. Hope I works for the better.
We have a very strange political system I am not very impressed during the covid lockdowns that we had federal government had no power whatsoever it was the states that had all the power and the one I was in Victoria was the worst that's where all those videos you've probably seen came from Daniel Andrews very left-leaning so-called labour government the equivalent in your country would be what I call demacretins there a coalition government with the Greens that says it all nothing but a bunch a communists and very sadly they are seizing more and more power by the day .
Apologies don't think I should be discussing politics so my post will probably disappear cheers all the best
There was a person (male) that was a foreign exchange student (high school) that was 1 year ahead of my oldest son. He played American football. The Ausi was on our state winning football team back in '14. I wonder how many other foreign exchange students have had that to go home with a very nice Texas state football championship ring!
I was surprised. I just wondered how everyone feels about it?
I guess I feel like yet another grass-roots company/ product, that most everyone is proud of, has been sold to foreign holdings.
I realize that they are already firmly imbedded in American companies & hopefully nothing will change, but Barrett was........BARRETT!
I guess Ronnie can go buy FB now

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