Safest way to pay or get paid for on-line sales??


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2014
Omaha, Nebraska area
I have a gun I want to sell on-line. What is the safest payment method???

I bought a gun quite a long time ago, on another well respected web sight. It was NOT as advertised. I tried several ways to
get the matter corrected. In the end, I was screwed out of over $500, which is a HUGE sum for me.

I am so worried that I will sell and ship the gun, and somehow the payment will be cancelled.
I can't have this happen again.

I cannot take credit cards. What are my best options????

If I purchase something, I worry that my credit card company will not back me if the transaction is a firearm.

Thank you.
For you the seller, there are many safe ways.....I'd say the safest is a Postal Money Order, but I have also accepted checks and made sure they cleared before shipping the firearm. PayPal is anti-gun, so be very careful......they will lock down your account, and the bank account it's tied to. You can get it undone but it takes time. If you use PayPal, use Friends and Family with no notes as to what the purchase is for. Really any time you buy or sell online, you run the risk of getting hosed as a buyer......even on Gunbroker. I use buyer feedback on these sites, as well as the persons posts to determine if I'd buy/sell. There are a ton of really, really awesome guys and even some gentlemen on this site and to date I haven't had any problems if I follow my gut with the above......In short on a large sell, protect yourself with a POSTAL Money order, not some odd ball money order, or wait until the bank has said the payment cleared.
Good luck with your sell!
I've purchased quite a few items and sold some all exclusively using USPS Money Order. Never a problem, safe and secure. Never had Pay Pal nor wanted it.
I have a gun I want to sell on-line. What is the safest payment method???

I bought a gun quite a long time ago, on another well respected web sight. It was NOT as advertised. I tried several ways to
get the matter corrected. In the end, I was screwed out of over $500, which is a HUGE sum for me.

I am so worried that I will sell and ship the gun, and somehow the payment will be cancelled.
I can't have this happen again.

I cannot take credit cards. What are my best options????

If I purchase something, I worry that my credit card company will not back me if the transaction is a firearm.

Thank you.
Great question and great answers. I had wondered the same thing myself.
I struggle with these things and have only had one smaller issue...

we need an escrow service. Basically a company insured for loss and theft to receive money by check, money order or credit card. Then release funds when shipment is accepted at its final destination or accepted by customer.

Now you pay. Sellers want unrevokable funds like cash or money order. Buyers want protection, but really have none.

Reputation is all managed by the buy/sell host.
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