Rabbits with a 20 cal


Mar 22, 2009
It is late spring - early summer here in New Zealand and the young rabbits are all out and about without a care in the world. They should have though, as last week a friend and I took our 20 VarTarg's ( mine on a Rem XR 100, his on a Brno Fox) and in a couple of hours in the hills got 54 before heading out for the rest of the day on goats. Both our Vartargs shoot the 35gn Berger real well. I put 19.2gn H4198 over a WSR and get 3735 with 1/4in groups ( actually a best of .084 but I expect in the .2's) on paper, but more importantly kills out to 316 meters so far, although that was on an adult rabbit as the young are only about half size and small targets out past 250yds, especially as there is varying wind and target directions as they are not in warrens, but scattered all over the hills, which are quite steep and one shot may be uphill, while the next one may be below you, so getting comfortable on the slope for precission shooting can be a chalenge. Did I mention that it is more fun than you could shake a stick at though. Anyone else shooting a VarTarg?

Von Gruff.
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I've got one that was built by Greg Tannel at Gre-Tan rifles on a Rem700 SA and it's my best shooter. I shoot a 39 gr Sierra Blitzking at a hair under 3600 ft/sec from a 24-in barrel. My longest shot was on a prairie dog at 543 yards. There was a slight crossing breeze, and it took me 3 to 4 shots to get the windage right, and then that was it for the dog.

While coyote hunting, my dad, son, and I drove up on a bunch of feral hogs in an open field mingling with the landowner's cattle. Six shots later there were 5 hogs on the ground - 2 sows in the 175 - 225 lb. class and the other 3 were small pigs. It's a flat-out fun little gun to shoot - my daughters and my son have a blast with it as well. One of my daughters was pegging our prairie dog steel target at 300 yards a couple of weeks back.gun)
I've got one that was built by Greg Tannel at Gre-Tan rifles on a Rem700 SA and it's my best shooter. I shoot a 39 gr Sierra Blitzking at a hair under 3600 ft/sec from a 24-in barrel. My longest shot was on a prairie dog at 543 yards. There was a slight crossing breeze, and it took me 3 to 4 shots to get the windage right, and then that was it for the dog.

While coyote hunting, my dad, son, and I drove up on a bunch of feral hogs in an open field mingling with the landowner's cattle. Six shots later there were 5 hogs on the ground - 2 sows in the 175 - 225 lb. class and the other 3 were small pigs. It's a flat-out fun little gun to shoot - my daughters and my son have a blast with it as well. One of my daughters was pegging our prairie dog steel target at 300 yards a couple of weeks back.gun)

If I live long enough 20VT will as a light walking rifle be my next rifle.

Only use a shotgun November to mid January again driven pheasants. Rifles for the rest of the year.

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