NJRl 23 with 140 partition in 270 Weatherby


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
If you have any loads for reloader 23 and a 270 Weatherby with a 140 grain partition. This is a factory rifle it's an accumark with a 26-in barrel I would really like to know about them thank you for your help
I load for a rifle exactly like yours. I have 140 accubonds running in the area of 3325 FPS. 68.2 grains of rl23 @ 3.385”. Shoots them well but I rarely hunt with it now.
I load for a rifle exactly like yours. I have 140 accubonds running in the area of 3325 FPS. 68.2 grains of rl23 @ 3.385”. Shoots them well but I rarely hunt with it now.
That is great thank you. Got a question though why are you running them so long?
Tribb, I shoot the same Accumark for over 20 years. I run 140 Accubonds behind 72.7gr of IMR 7828 and 215m's (3.270") at 3325 fps. Very accurate load for mine. Norma brass.
Just loaded
Tribb, I shoot the same Accumark for over 20 years. I run 140 Accubonds behind 72.7gr of IMR 7828 and 215m's (3.270") at 3325 fps. Very accurate load for mine. Norma brass.
I just tonight loaded a few at 72.5 grains of 7828 215m's @ 3.275" will shoot tomorrow and see what they do. Got some with n560 at 71.5 grains same length also. Thank you sir!!
Just loaded

I just tonight loaded a few at 72.5 grains of 7828 215m's @ 3.275" will shoot tomorrow and see what they do. Got some with n560 at 71.5 grains same length also. Thank you sir!!
P.s. that's 70.5 grains of n560 oops!!
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