Big Nick
New Member
Good day to all in the shooting world.
My handle is BIG NICK. I have been shooting and Hunting since I was a little kid. never really cared about cutting out the 10 ring, and always happy to hit paper. it was not until about 5 years ago, I had a nice Canadian Moose come out at just over 500 yds, and realized that it was a shot that I have never practiced. I was really good to 300, but never shot any further. With ballistic table in hand, and a known distance ( I was shooting a hydro cut) I did what the table said and BANG; the gentle giant went 30 yards. ever since then, I have wanter to shoot at long ranges. Bought a new gun and am looking for adventures that will allow me to practice the art of LRH and harvest teh large game that the world has to offer.
My handle is BIG NICK. I have been shooting and Hunting since I was a little kid. never really cared about cutting out the 10 ring, and always happy to hit paper. it was not until about 5 years ago, I had a nice Canadian Moose come out at just over 500 yds, and realized that it was a shot that I have never practiced. I was really good to 300, but never shot any further. With ballistic table in hand, and a known distance ( I was shooting a hydro cut) I did what the table said and BANG; the gentle giant went 30 yards. ever since then, I have wanter to shoot at long ranges. Bought a new gun and am looking for adventures that will allow me to practice the art of LRH and harvest teh large game that the world has to offer.