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NE Pa. 2015 Factoryville Sportsman's Club Long Range Day

top predator

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
[FONT=&quot]We'll continue our LRD in 2015, 3rd year for the event, dates are April 25, May 23, June 20, July 25, August 22, October 17, Rain or shine.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]8:00 to Noon, come earlier for registration and setup suggested, you don't have to be there at 8:00 nor stay the entire time. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Fees are still a low $10.00 for Club members, $15.00 for non members.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Shortly in 2015, the Club's website - Factoryville Sportsmen's Club - will have any updated COF details in the Long Range Day section, generally will be the same as in 2014. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Shoot for score against other shooters or just to stretch out your rifle, LR pistol, shotgun slugs, muzzleloaders, and rimfires at mostly steel targets of various sizes at 200M / 220Y, 300M / 330Y, 385M / 425Y.

Full Size steel deer and Turkey at 425Y, High Power NRA Silhouette swingers too at the appropriate ranges.

Suppressor friendly but steel core, armor piercing, tracer or incendiary ammo not allowed. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Magnums and 50 cal welcome, but 50 cal will either need to shoot paper or bring your own steel. N[/FONT][FONT=&quot]o full autos.
[FONT=&quot]Addition of a 50/50 shoot (single target shot at distance from a position other than prone or bench) for 2015.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]For those attended last few years, a big thanks, we will be concentrating on upgrading the firing line this year, especially for any rainy days.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]More to come as the spring nears.[/FONT]
Just a reminder we will be having our long range day at Factoryville, Pa. this Saturday, May 23 from 8:00 to noon.

Fees are still a low $10.00 for club members, $15.00 for non members.

Our last shoot had 17 shooters with 2 being juniors (under 16)

We will also be conducting a side 50/50 shoot. As you don't have to stay the whole length of the regular match, you can just shoot the benefit 50/50. Prize $ will be sent via check or paypal, as 50/50 entries and shoot will be shot throughout the whole time.

MAY 23, 2015 between 0800-1200

As our next regular Long Range Day match will be on Memorial Day weekend, we will be conducting an extra stage 50/50 shoot with half the proceeds being donated to the Folds of Honor Foundation, helping spouses and children of our departed and disable servicemen and women with scholarships and other assistance.

The 50/50 FOH shoot COF will be:
$2.00 per shot or 3 shots for $5.00 @ 10" florescent green target @ 337Y, offhand, sling permitted.
Shooter will start with empty firearm in the ready position.
At the "Engage target" command, time will start, shooter will load, take aim, and fire.
Winner will be a combination of a hit and lowest time, winning half the entry fees of the 50/50 shoot, and the other half donated to the Folds of Honor Foundation.
For more on the Folds of Honor Foundation:​

Directions to the club, and club info:
Factoryville Sportsmen's Club

Long Range Day info:
Factoryville Sportsmen's Club
A quick notice / inconvenience-

I was just at the range setting up the course, there is construction going on that may make parking an issue for some.

If you can't make it too far beep horn 3 times or call the posted phone # on the signage to be shuttled up to the firing line via side by side ATV.
Hello shooters,

Due to ongoing construction on the skeet range and limited access, the Long Range Day Shoot at Factoryville has been cancelled for the month of June, and hopefully will resume in July.

To all that it applies to, have a great Father's day.
Hello shooters,

Sorry to say this, but the July 25th FSC long range day shoot will have to be postponed due to the ongoing construction on the skeet range.

As a few of you are avid patrons of the shoot and good people, I feel a need to explain:

The skeet range is getting a facelift, including a somewhat deep drainage ditch. Deep enough that trying to get to the usual parking area will cause most vehicles - including trucks - to scrape or bottom out. The dirt removed to make the ditch is piled in an area that sets any other parking area even further back.

As the Event Chairman / Match director, I try to give my participants the safest, easiest, most convenient, least redneckie experience for their buck within what I can get done within my limited resources. The current situation doesn't allow any of that.

As the future of the event still may be in question, most of the upgrades / improvements to the firing line that I had in mind (overhead cover, leveled concrete pads, port-a-pottie, etc) were also put on hold the last few months and probably will not become a reality this year.

I'll attend the next Club admin meeting to see if they have considered my previous inquiry for them to consider installing a culvert crossing, if not, if they'll allow me to put one in on my own (materials / rocks are available from the ditch). I have to add my inquiry had less than a warm response at the last meeting.

Worse case, for August, I'll try a different approach for vehicles to enter or exit the present parking area via the road on the ridge next to the pistol pits, but will be restricted to travel before 8:00a.m, at the 9:00-9:15a.m. and 10:15-10:30a.m. cease fires as this path of travel actually puts the vehicles forward of the muzzles, and will allow shooters already engaging targets on the line at least an hour of uninterrupted shooting.

Those cease fires should allow around 15 minutes for folks to come and go and not feel as if being held "hostage" for the whole event.

If it turns out that seems to too much of a hassle for the majority (feed back is welcome), and not allowed to put in a culvert crossing, the shoots may be postponed indefinitely, which is would be a shame as it's the only range of it's type in the area, and it seems we all have a great time spending time with others with the same type of shooting interests.

Thanks for taking a second or two for reading, and I hope you can understand the reasons for last & this month's cancellation. I'll be sure to give you a head's up of what will happen in August and beyond.
Hello shooters,

After a few month being "off" due to some construction at the range, the August 22 shoot will go on. There will be a slight re-direction of travel, instead of making the right passing the club house, continue onward to the pistol pits. From there it'll be a right hand turn to the usual parking area, follow signage.

There is a small catch - as this detour will put vehicles and people in front of the muzzles and to reduce stoppages of those on the line, this route will only be open to travel before 8:00, and between the 9:00 to 9:15ish and 10:15 - 10:30ish cease fires, and after the shoot ends at 12:00. The detour will remain as such until the club puts in the ditch crossing, of which they said they were going to implement.

There is an option of using the old route to the parking area at any time if you believe you can make it through the drainage ditch, travel at own risk.

While the last 2 events were canceled and the future of the shoots in the air, I didn't make some of the firing line improvements and added targets that I wanted to put in, so hope for dry weather, and it'll be the same COF.

They'll be no shoot in September as all the dates where taken, but there is hope for a tentative shoot on Oct 17.
[FONT=&quot]AUG 22 2015 RESULTS[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]We had a brief delay due to fog, and once the fog burned off the morning had about as nice of conditions as one could ask for. The new detour around the construction seemed to work good for the short term and those that could traverse the drainage ditch did without an issue.[/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]We had a total of 14 shooters, 2 of them juniors. There were 5 spectators / spotters, and we welcomed 5 new shooters to the event. A total of 19 in attendance, 7 club members and 12 non members.[/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]​
[FONT=&quot]A breakdown of the scores for those that handed in a scorecard should be posted on the FSC website shortly.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thanks to all that attended, and hope to see you at the next shoot. We skip September, and our next and last date of 2015 is tentatively set for October 17.[/FONT]​
The October shoot was tentative from the start, and now realized with the lack of sunlight for setting up the course the October Long Range Day at Factoryville Sportsmen's Club will have to be canceled.

I know the shoots were plagued with cancellations throughout the year due to the construction on the skeet field, thanks for all that attended and supported LRD in 2015 through this bumpy season.

We should be back in 2016, starting either in April or May, and hopefully most of the issues that held the shoot from adding improvements and upgrades this year can be taken care of.

Again, thanks for your support!
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