Mount a 1” 42MM Obj. On Flat Top?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2010
I want to stick an older Leupold 4.5-14 X 42MM on my AR. Now if the scope was going to stay on the rifle, or if the scope was 30MM- no problem I'd just buy a Larue mount. I don't want to buy a super-expensive mounting system that leaves me stuck at 1". Is there a good mounting system out there that will let me play around with this scope/AR and not break the bank?
I don't know what your definition of break the bank is, but I recently picked up a Warne XSKEL mount and I have been really pleased with it. One piece construction and available in a variety of colors to match any setup if you're into that.
I payed $90 bucks for mine at a local gun shop. Mine is the generation 2 so I'm sure with a little looking you could find a first generation a little cheaper. Not dirt cheap, but certainly cheaper than a Larue.
actually a cheap spacer rail is what you need and regular rings.
they come in 1/2,5/8 , .8
do some internet shoping for a
I have a 1" Aero precision mount that is light, seems solid, and was not very expensive. (For almost exactly the scenario you described) I would recommend it for that for sure. The only thing I can find as a weakness is that it's not qd (but unless there's a unicorn out there I don't know about you get to pick two of these three: reliable, cheap, and qd); and it doesn't have the ability as some do to put a rail section ring on to mount a mini reflex on top for close range stuff if that's a concern.
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