Montana FWP Elk Objectives


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
Clarks Fork Valley, Mt
Has anyone ever seen the Montana FWP Elk Objective Maps? I stumbled on them recently and found some of the information interesting to say the least.

One point that stands out to me is that if I am reading their maps correctly, the area around Gardiner, 313, has an Elk Population Objective of 2001-8000 animals and is ABOVE goals.

Am I reading this correctly?

I have talked with quite a few people who either used to or do currently hunt that area and all I ever hear is that there are extremely few to no elk in 313.

What is the real, honest to God, truth about the elk populations around Gardiner?

I would really like to believe that our FWP would not be misleading us on the number of elk in a given hunting district, but given that they have such an extremely low quota on wolves in the area I sometimes wonder where their priorities are?

According to their own maps, there are around 7-10 wolf packs in and around 313, yet they shut off the wolf season when 2 wolves have been killed. At that point, they are not even keeping up with pup production which to me means that they desire MORE wolves in 313.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

Please let me add that I am not trying to stir up a hornets nest, I simply would like the truth.
I don't have any documentation, but here in western montana, the wolves are thick. The elk seem to be hiding on private land to avoid them. Might be the case where you are looking.
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