New and unopened box of dies. I can't recall what I paid for them but looking around online has led me to believe the world has lost its mind. So we'll start the bidding at $1,000,000
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HAAAAAAANew and unopened box of dies. I can't recall what I paid for them but looking around online has led me to believe the world has lost its mind. So we'll start the bidding at $1,000,000
Sold. I accept cash, check, arms, legs and souls as paymentHAAAAAAA
Geesh I was only willing to wake up in a bathtub full of ice missing a kidney......Sold. I accept cash, check, arms, legs and souls as payment
No. You can order it separately though. That's what I've done with all of mine. They're $40 on Amazon. The price of the dies is negotiable. I bought two sets due to being impatient and can't remember what I paid for the second set. So I'm only looking to break even once shippedThis the one with micrometer seating die ?