High Buck Hunt

Okay, after seeing some of these packs and reading how much you are carrying---i am officially a wuss. I freely admit it. Thats the first step, right???
But 30 pounds works for me.
Next year, I am just going to hire timber338................

Always wanted to hunt in Idaho! :D

HellsCanyon, thanks for posting the detailed gear list. Got me thinking about sleeping systems, and I have lots of different thermarests from uber light to car-camping heavy. Depending on the type/season of the hunt I will always pack the pad on the more comfortable/heavy side. I figure a good nights sleep is more valuable than saving a pound or two. I don't sleep well on the light pads and the lack of sleep and hard ground give me more aches and pains than weight of my pack. But I am also 6'4" 215 pounds so the light pads just don't cut it.

And that 280 AI sure sounds like a sweet setup. Gonna be hard to leave it behind next year!
Always wanted to hunt in Idaho! :D

HellsCanyon, thanks for posting the detailed gear list. Got me thinking about sleeping systems, and I have lots of different thermarests from uber light to car-camping heavy. Depending on the type/season of the hunt I will always pack the pad on the more comfortable/heavy side. I figure a good nights sleep is more valuable than saving a pound or two. I don't sleep well on the light pads and the lack of sleep and hard ground give me more aches and pains than weight of my pack. But I am also 6'4" 215 pounds so the light pads just don't cut it.

And that 280 AI sure sounds like a sweet setup. Gonna be hard to leave it behind next year!

Yeah you have to have a set-up that allows you to get a good rest! Though there are some pretty great 'thick' and light weight pads out there! Any idea how much your current pad weights?

Oh I think the Ackley won't be too terribly hard to leave... got some pretty cool rifles in the works! Think carbon wrapped 26" barrel on a lightweight stock. Should be running right around 7 lbs before optics and shouldn't give up anything to a heavier set-up except maybe a bit less balance for offhand shots. Stay tuned... ;)

My fathers friend has always taken my family and me to their house in north Florida to go hog hunting. I had a hunting knife that folded, but after a close call with a big boar, I need something that is fatser to access and bigger to protect me.
So here is my creation. It came about after my disappointment in my pack I used for the high buck hunt. It consists of 3 parts. The frame and rifle bag can be used independently, but the bag has to be attached to one or the other.

1. Frame (shoulder straps can detach, and attach to rifle bag)
2. Rifle bag/mat (was able to shave a couple pounds off by removing redundant parts)
3. 3500 cubic inch pack

Don't know how it works weighted down, but everything attaches nicely and solidly, and I will be dropping lots of weight this year.

When I get a chance I'll weigh it and compare it to this years monstrosity.


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Nice work and I applaud you on your efforts...

But for the life of me I still cannot IMAGINE taking in a rifle case/shooting mat backpacking with me... :D Pick up a Kifaru Grab it, or Gun Bearer and adapt it to your system with some lashing straps (would be better for the pack out) and call it good. Guns are made to be used in the field and get a little dirty... Climbing up rock cliffs or busting brush would be HELL with that monster case hanging off your pack. At least it would for me and I bet it weighs atleast 2-3 lbs...

Whoa!!!!!! You let yourgun get dirty? I passed on a world class black tail (most likely world record) just so my gun didn't get dirty from the shot. He saw me with the rifle and he knows that I know I could have shot him. :D

Hell...I just really like the protection it affords. The mat portion is a bonus, and I only use it on multi day hunts, not every hunt.
I hope I didn't come off as offensive or demeaning or anything like that... I'm the last person to tell someone what to do or how to hunt! I just for the life of me can't imagine packing an extra 3 lbs of weight, for really no purpose than to keep my rifle clean... different strokes for different folks I guess! :)

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