Hi from Palmer Alaska


Sep 10, 2012
Palmer Alaska USA
Hi all
I’m a custom gunsmith in the Great Land and I was asked to load some 7mm RUM for a guy with a Best of the West rifle. So in double-checking hid data I found ya’ll here and thought I’d go on and sign up.

I’m more of a deep in the thick alders with spooky things ya hear but can't see at short range hunter myself. I specialize in that kind of hardware but I’ll make or work on anything and I do have a long history building and playing with 50bmg a mile out when I lived in Arizona.

Anyway, just thought I’d say hi I'm here.
AD..., I've lived in your neck of the woods, nice place to hole-up. As you probly have learned, just over the Talkeetna from you it used to be the "thick" stuff you enjoy. Last time I was in Willows it had a population of less than a hundred and was thick timber. I have also "done" the Sonora that you have forsaken for your new home, I know you'll miss it. Welcome, here, friend. Your experience and knowledge will fit right in the ten ring for us.
AD..., I've lived in your neck of the woods, nice place to hole-up. As you probly have learned, just over the Talkeetna from you it used to be the "thick" stuff you enjoy. Last time I was in Willows it had a population of less than a hundred and was thick timber. I have also "done" the Sonora that you have forsaken for your new home, I know you'll miss it. Welcome, here, friend. Your experience and knowledge will fit right in the ten ring for us.

Yea I do miss a lot about Arizona, trouble is most of the things I miss aren’t even there at all anymore so I miss it even more when I’m in Arizona. I just got back from there on the 1st and I was sure happy to get back here, windy little Palmer AK.

Thick stuff is still all over in pockets here, get 100’ from a road in a lot of spots and everything changes including your position on the food chain. I just get the greatest thrill when we hear each other but don’t even know what each other are, can’t help but wonder if your the predator or the pray . . . then the adrenalin starts ta thumpin good!:cool:
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