Henderson or giraud trimmer?

I've used both. Both are great and you won't be disappointed with either.

Giraud can make your fingers sore if you do a lot. Also changing calibers can be little tricky and take a little time. A lot of guys will set up a cutter for each caliber (.264/.284/.308). Giraud is slightly faster.

I bought the henderson. Easier on your hands/ fingers. Easier to adjust and switch to different cartridges. It is also quite a bit quieter.

Both are great And very precise. Both will serve you well.
I have the Henderson and love it. I load for a lot of different calibers and didn’t want to buy case holders for each cartridge so Giraud wasn’t a good choice for me.
Same exact experience for me as nwmnbowhunter above. High volume on the Giraud led to sore hands and wrists. I don't have that with the Henderson. It's worth noting that I rarely trim and, when I do, it's 700+ cases in a session.
I have and use both, and like them both.
You have to lock a case in with the Henderson, with the Giraud it is like sharpening a pencil where you are holding the case.
One indexes off the shoulder, the other off the base.
We made the power for this and there is a Thread with all the components to make the Power. I'll see if I can find it.

It all depends on how many different caliber cases you are going to trim. Your main cost $$$ is the Trimmer and Power Unit BUT then you have to buy costly cutter heads for each caliber!!!
We have a lot so getting the "Foster" style "3 WAY" Cutter Head was for us. We can purchase the "HEAD" and then put what Pilot we want - fit the caliber cartridge and move the carbide cutters to what we want. So paying $80 for a 3way cutter head and then changing out the Pilot saves $$$.
But you have to know how to do all that. We have probably a dozen cutter heads and then other Pilots.