Hello all! Any Kentuckians?


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
Hello, I have been lurking a while and thought I would check in to see if there was anyone from KY here. Like the forum and hope to contribute soon!
Hello ,I just joined and am located in Central KY. My favorite long range rifle is a Rem. 700 Classic in 25-06.
Originally from Lexington, currently live in southern Indiana, but hunt on family land in Washington County.

Hopefully I can get down there in the next few weeks and get some food plots sowed...
Soon to be residing in Oldham Co. (mid July) Relocating for job.
Gonna have to find someplace to hunt in KY. Any suggestions? Mostly deer, coyotes but some small game and turkey.

Currently in MI.

.338 LM
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Checking in from NKY...hello to the poster moving to Lexington...in laws are there and used to live there myself. Originally from Louisville area.

Any of you reloaders in and around Cincinnati?

Just entering that phase of the game.

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