Gun Collection Conundrum?

I had plans of gifting guns the grandkids successfully hunted with. 4 of 6 older grandkids did go but apparently really liked the camping more than the hunting. I've got two coming into hunting age that may like hunting but I don't really know yet. Only one got a gun from me so far.
I have no idea where these extra rifles will go and not sure I want to sell them. They're all fun to shoot.
What now?
I'll take them! 😁
Wait, there I go again... 😔
"my name is Rick, and I have a problem......."
Most of us have a problem and I'm not sure there is a cure for it. Seems like there are the ones that are willing to sell something but more than likely they are going to replace it with something else. The ones that don't sell are planning and scheming on how to purchase the next item on there never ending want list. I personally don't see anything wrong with either way. We aren't hurting anyone and we are just enjoying what we do. My kind of people, so carry on, be safe and have a nice day.