I havee a couple scopes for sale. All prices shipped conus, looking for PayPal with fees covered or usps mo. Have boxes for all.
- vx-5hd 3-15x44 sf firedot model 172368. New in box $860
- conquest hd5 3-15x42 plex, locking target turrets, in lapped low mountain tech rings spaced for Warne bases on 700 la or a picatinny rail. Very good condition with butler creek caps, box, etc. $775 with rings.
-conquest 3-9x40 with box, barely used. $310
May be crossposted, timestamp wins.
- vx-5hd 3-15x44 sf firedot model 172368. New in box $860
- conquest hd5 3-15x42 plex, locking target turrets, in lapped low mountain tech rings spaced for Warne bases on 700 la or a picatinny rail. Very good condition with butler creek caps, box, etc. $775 with rings.
-conquest 3-9x40 with box, barely used. $310
May be crossposted, timestamp wins.