model 12 toby
Active Member
I got a coyote bout 3 months ago. first one i ever shot. missed another last summer. I'll be honest I am still very in the dark about all aspects of it. It's very frustrating. My time to go is very limited I don't wish to even hunt them at night. They seem just as illusive as when i started hunting them. I feel like I just more or less troll for them. Im to the point I don't even know where to turn anymore. I have my range pretty far out there now. we shoot 600 and beyond every other sunday. the wind is definitely the factor. I try to call places where I can overlook huge expanses of land. It's so hard to beleive that you can't see something out there. I mean something. lol. I don't know whether they see me. I make too noise or don't call them right or what? I've heard people say they call less and glass more as they get older. Shows I watch they have that thing going non stop. I don't know. I just needed to vent and hope to get some feed back. by the way I live in eastern ohio. I'll probably head out again frinday morning and get no sleep again.