Wanting to sell a brand new 300 lapua. Parts are as followed
- bat vespar action fully nitrided
-proof 26inch 1/9 twist sendero barrel, threaded 5/8x24 with 4 port TI break installed and timed
- Bix n andy trigger set to 1.5 lbs
- unknown minitions bottom metal and XL lapua mag ( 3.950) coal
-AG composites K2 alpine hunter stock pillar bedded to action
- rifle weight is 7lbs.. 8ounces.. with a mark5 7-35 and heavy mark 4 rings is 9lbs 14.5 ounces
I will break in / form 50 lapua cases for the buyer and include them .
Priced to sell @ 4200.. i have that into parts.. i will include load work for a local buyer thank you
- bat vespar action fully nitrided
-proof 26inch 1/9 twist sendero barrel, threaded 5/8x24 with 4 port TI break installed and timed
- Bix n andy trigger set to 1.5 lbs
- unknown minitions bottom metal and XL lapua mag ( 3.950) coal
-AG composites K2 alpine hunter stock pillar bedded to action
- rifle weight is 7lbs.. 8ounces.. with a mark5 7-35 and heavy mark 4 rings is 9lbs 14.5 ounces
I will break in / form 50 lapua cases for the buyer and include them .
Priced to sell @ 4200.. i have that into parts.. i will include load work for a local buyer thank you