Behind enemy lines in CA. Need to escape. Need help

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In the United States are Citizens, not Subjects of a Queen or King. As for Europe, it's been invaded by Islam. The last invasion was by the Moors xnd the Ottoman Empire. Now the Liberals there have flooded there countries to the point it's turned beautiful areas into places where its just unsafe for women to go unescorted. Here we choose our poliricans every two four and six years. We choose our paths.
I think Idaho has longer path to even purple than just about any other state, but the media is very disconcerting, as you say. Even in Lewiston (a solid "gun town"), the Lewiston Tribune is owned by TPC Holdings / Bloomy!
I used to think that they had a longer path also. That was the feelings of sociologists and others as reported on the PBS Idaho reports. However look at the last governor's election. Little won 59% of the votes Jordan 39%. She a newcomer to politics and she still won 39%. She barely took Ada County which as you know has the largest population and won by a landslide in Blaine County. Yes Idaho can still save their state, but people need to wake up or they'll watch their state change. I've seen it happen to California which was once a great state. And the state where the firearms/ hunting/ fishing industry once enjoyed great support.
I live in one of the places in Europe that has received a lion share of the "invasion" of muslims. There is a large amount of immigrants or children of immigrants who act like punk thugs with regards to all kinds of authority, except some vague notion of morality and religion which they either brought from their home countries or learned here in Europe from some shady character.

However, there are also a lot of muslims who live their lives both devoutly and in a way that most on this forum would consider honorable and decent. I have muslim co-workers that are hard workers, good husbands and model citizens. Noone condemns the punk thug brat cirminals harsher than they do. As far as family values are concerned, they're bringing with them a conservative perspective that somewhat balances the radical liberalism that large parts of Europe has seen for the last half of a century.

With regards to liberty in general, I really wish that the American brand of conservatism was stronger in Europe, and that pro-liberty people everywhere could cooperate more. The socialists and hardcore leftists have very efficient international networks.

To the OP I can just say I wish you the best of luck - never give up!
I've lived in GA, TN, KY & AR. All of those states are pro-gun and great places to live in. Obviously we lack "big game" but we have turkey, deer, bear, rabbits , etc.
I'm originally a GA boy and have recently moved back home. We live in what I guess some call a rural area (we live on a farm and also farm).

I guess my point is - the south is a great place to live if ya talk slow and think fast... :)

School systems are what you make of them (my wife is a teacher), cost of living is low (comparably speaking).

I did notice a shift happening in TN (Nashville). This city is beautiful and vibrant but seems full of liberals and millennials (and I'm young but an old fashioned young). We had a farm 1 hour outside of Nashville and frequented the city (who knew women loved to shop :)).

I guess overall as long as you have options and a belief that we each control our own destiny (with the help of the man upstairs *or whatever you believe in) we can make it through anything!

Just thought I'd plug the South...
I moved 8 years ago from ca to SD and love it here.but if you want to come here you will have to take a written test about 1000 questions and pass a shooting test and a in person interview with references from other states. good luck with your choice. haha
My wife and I just moved to Bella Vista Arkansas. All of the list of wants you mentioned would be covered here. Do you like fishing? Boating? Golf? Bella Vista's own shooting range? Go to Bella Vista POA website. Look up the low crime rate.
"Texas isn't gone." Oh How I wish it were true. Three times I have moved around the state. These were places I could walk out the door and hunt. All three are now covered with asphalt and concrete. Wildlife has disappeared. You can drive from the gulf coast to Oklahoma and not know when you are entering or leaving one town. I know it's progress. Haha. Years ago I went to Austin and stopped at a grocery store and a Walmart. I never heard English. Not even from the employees. I worked for a company that paid for a survey of illegals years ago to help target their advertising. I was shocked that years ago there were more illegals than there were citizens in Texas. Now the new invasion from inside and outside Texas. Texas is exploding at the seams. Concrete, asphalt, loss of habitat. We just keep pushing and destroying our wildlife and our way of life.
No disrespect to you or your way of thinking, but, yes, our thoughts on guns are very different among other things. You are appreciative that your owners, the government, " allows " you to live in relative peace . That they " allow" you certain privileges with firearms . That they will " let you " see their doctor if you get in line.
This conversation is about being in control of our own freedom and we are trying like he!! to not wind up being thankful that our government ALLOWS us to do anything . We are suppose to " own " the government. Not the other way around.
Again, not trying to condemn you for your life style. Just explaining ours.
It's the rich who actually "owns" the government, and they ALLOW you to do whatever doesn't contravene their interests.
It's the rich who actually "owns" the government, and they ALLOW you to do whatever doesn't contravene their interests.
Since when did a rich person in the USA dictate how many or what kind of firearms I can own. Heck , they dont even want to know if I even own one ! Ask our Canadian friends how that works for them.
The rich people that concern me here in the states are the ones with interests outside our boarders . You know, like the one living in his private compound in New York state because he wont pay his taxes in Greece ?
It is the same no matter where you go in the United States geo4061 it just depends on what time of the day or what time of the week you go shopping . I would venture to guess that there are 60 - 70 mill illegal immigrants in the U.S.. back in the 60's I told my teachers that they needed to start teaching Spanish in school instead of French or Latin They told me I was just an inexperienced kid and didn't know what I was talking about or about life . Old enough to be told to pick up a gun and go fight but not old enough to look around and see that they were importing low cost workers and keeping the middle income work force in a lower income bracket and bring the separation to a wider gap in the income bracket . The morel compass in the United States has been broken for as long as I have been alive it's just getting more obvious as the population grows .
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