Bedside Pistol Case


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2009
Chuckey TN
Well men, I'm now the proud papa of two beautiful little girls. My job as a father is to keep them safe, so my days of gun in the nightstand are essentially over. I'm looking fo recommendations on a good bedside gun safe. This way I can keep tiny fingers from it while having it near if it's unfortunately needed.

What products do you recommend and what should be avoided?
I know where you are coming from. I put the pistol on the top shelf in the wardrobe about 4 steps away shortly after my first was born two girls then a boy. I took my kids just like my father did me when they were old enough to understand somewhat and started teaching them about guns and their use and safety. I took the wonderment out of it and made it clear to them that any time they wanted to go shoot or handle the gun just ask. I grew up in a house with a 22 and a shotgun next to the back door and my kids saw nearly the same thing. They are all very proficient and safe with firearms.

With all that said seems I have read or seen gun safes that can be programmed to read your finger print and the pistol pops into your hand. Anything with keys would be a bad idea....good luck.
I know where you are coming from. I put the pistol on the top shelf in the wardrobe about 4 steps away shortly after my first was born two girls then a boy. I took my kids just like my father did me when they were old enough to understand somewhat and started teaching them about guns and their use and safety. I took the wonderment out of it and made it clear to them that any time they wanted to go shoot or handle the gun just ask. I grew up in a house with a 22 and a shotgun next to the back door and my kids saw nearly the same thing. They are all very proficient and safe with firearms.

With all that said seems I have read or seen gun safes that can be programmed to read your finger print and the pistol pops into your hand. Anything with keys would be a bad idea....good luck.

It sounds like you and your kids were raised like I was. As soon as I was old enough I was exposed to what firearms were and my dad and I shot all the time. We had a lot of discussions about safety and proper handling. You bring up a good point about taking the wonderment out of firearms. That's an often overlooked point these days.

Hopefully my girls will take up the shooting sports. Thank you for the good luck wishes.
If you need one, this is the one I have been looking at. Bought my wife a combo locking one.


SpeedVault Biometric

I agree, teach the kids. Take them shooting with you. Buy them their own ear protection. If they enjoy it you have a hunting partner. If they don't, they still learn of your concerns and safety.
You may want to rethink having your gun right by your bed. I would suggest that you have it near but where you have to get out of bed and become fully awake before you have it in hand. I know of an instance where a fellow slept with a pistol under his pillow. His high school age daughter slipped out one night to meet her boy friend and came slipping back into the house early in the morning and woke him up and he grabbed his gun before he became fully awake and as his daughter passed his open bedroom door he shot her and she died.

I was also raised in a house with guns and was taught at a very early age about them and how to handle them. I had my own 20 gauge double barrel shotgun in my bed room on a rack at age 8 and was allowed to hunt on my Grandfathers and other relatives land on my own by age 10. I got my own 22 rifle at age 10 for Christmas. I worked all spring and summer at age 12 planting tobacco, hauling hay, mowing yards and anything else I could find to do to make money so I could get a high power rifle. My Dad did not deer hunt but my neighbor did and he said if I would get me a rifle he would take me deer hunting. I made $45 that 1969 spring and summer and I got Dad to get me what I only knew as a 30-06 army rifle at that time. It was an unissued 1903A3 Springfield made my Remington. I learned how to shoot long range with that rifle. I had a cousin that was in the national guard and every month when he went to guard he brought me a 250 round can of black tip AP ammo. It was pretty accurate in that old rifle and would beat my shoulder black and blue but I was deadly to the groundhogs and even rabbits out in the pasture fields at hundreds of yards. Never did even see a deer while hunting with that rifle. They were few and far between back then. Sold that 30-06 and bought a Marlin 30-30 when I was 17 and killed the first deer I ever saw while deer hunting when I was 18. Five point that weighed 163 lbs field dressed. Funny how I can remember that after all these years and hundreds of deer killed since then.
Rt2506, I never thought if it like that. You bring up a very good point about where to place it. Looks like I may do something like wyowin mentioned in the bathroom closet. It's only about 10' from my side of the bed. It'd still be close and secure.

Thanks for the insite and help guys.

I saw a magnetic pistol mount on one of the tv shows. You mount this on the inside door jam of your closet or .... It's out of reach of young ones. Easley accessed. You can't even see it unless you turn around and look up. Neat idea. Don't know the name though.
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