ATF eForm 4 Reduced Wait Times?

It is amazing. I purchased an FA UZI with Gemtech multi mount can off Gunbroker. It took two weeks to get it into my lgs where it then when though the SS kiosk and was approved to me in 3 days!!
If I am reading this right you filed an e-form.
Did you get actual, physical stamp or an inked image that is stamp-sized?
So my local dealer told me customers were getting cans within a week or two, and while I was there a guy was picking his up after only 4 days. So I bought one and my dealer doesn't use the kiosk. Says it costs quite a bit in use fees. He had a fingerprint scanner and everything was set except for the photo. Nearby Walgreens took care of that for $10 or $15 on a flash drive. Went back to dealer and they loaded and we submitted. That was over a month ago. Makes me think what was done wrong. My dealer sells many cans and submits enough that they have a dedicated employee. He seemed to be very familiar with the process. I do have a trust with a couple silencers already. He said trusts weren't in e-file and that it was no problem doing an individual application with me having a trust, but I wonder if the ATF didn't toss my application onto the trust pile.
Airdale56, it was an electronic copy so not an original 200$ stamp like In the past? Also there is no atf agent signature like in the past on the bottom of the official approved form.
I had two approved in 2 and 4 days couple weeks ago. Ordered two more and submitted today
We (my wife and I) own 3 in the same two person trust, bought at two different times. The delay was long, but they’re all in it. And when I read over the regs, I saw nothing that prohibited amending the trust to add additional owners.
The Atf doesn't get to keep the taxes they collect.
$200 per silencer is a "major" revenue stream? The national debt is 35 trillion dollars.
When has any government entity cared about a revenue stream??
Each agency has a budget, which every agency director wants to at least protect if not enlarge. Declining revenues collected by the agency might cause concern for a budget reduction
We (my wife and I) own 3 in the same two person trust, bought at two different times. The delay was long, but they're all in it. And when I read over the regs, I saw nothing that prohibited amending the trust to add additional owners.

Each agency has a budget, which every agency director wants to at least protect if not enlarge. Declining revenues collected by the agency might cause concern for a budget reduction
If ANY agency has had a budget reduction in the last 50 years, the national debt wouldn't be 35 trillion dollars!
Airdale56, it was an electronic copy so not an original 200$ stamp like In the past? Also there is no atf agent signature like in the past on the bottom of the official approved form.

I forgot about being told about the lack of the approving official’s signature.

How is it a legal document without a tax stamp and the signature of the approving official?

Wondering out loud….
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I have 5 cans all awaiting form 4 processing approval , Individual
Been 2 weeks now , filed Efile on all of them ...nothing so far !