AB Mobile iOS(Apple) Update!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2014
AB Mobile iOS (Apple)*Update!


I want to start off by thanking all of our BETA testers, and our users who were patient with us while we sorted out this application. AB Mobile iOS has been fixed, and will be available to you shortly.

This version has already been submitted to Apple and approved. You should start seeing the update hit your devices in the immediate future.

1) Has the new library: http://www.appliedballisticsllc.com/Downloads/Complete CDM Library 11Dec2016.pdf
2) Added March and Bushnell Reticles, and put in proper markings and subtensions.

Bug Fixes:
1) Fixed the 0.0 and broken firing solution for some users.
2) Fixed G1/G7 Bug.
3) All known fire control issues have been resolved.
4) Fixed Websync Bugs
5) Fixed DA to 3 decimal places
6) Fixed Mover Direction error
7) Fixed Aerodynamic Jump error some users were experiencing
8) Eliminated Banded BCsLink To App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/applied-ballistics/id785619104?mt=8

This update also lays the foundation for some upcoming advancements, including the use of CDMs, and a couple other new features.

If you have any issues with this current version, please provide as much detail as you can to [email protected]

AB Android version is currently in BETA Testing. I will push out a notification when that version releases.
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