Raining Here……Yes Rain


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
Winchester, Wy.
We get very little moisture here…..average annual total precipitation is under 5".

We're getting rain of Biblical proportions, least for us. So far, just under 2" since around 10:00 last night……and still raining.

This was in yesterday's Cowboy Daily…..I hope that the author didn't have some sort of premonition! 😜 We live about 17 miles downstream of Thermopolis, on the Bighorn River only about 12-15 feet above typical water level! 🙀

Someone say RAIN!!!
This is the lower side of our property. There was a neighbor that put in a driveway and the builder only put in a 16" pipe (should have been a 36") and it was sloped the 180 the wrong way. I ended going and digging the pipe up and putting it in correctly and also another 24" next to it. Now we don't get flooded. But we get rain every other day here in GA.
Yes that is Samson's Wagon it is a 1/4 size of the real one.


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I thought that Western Wyoming, where I first moved to from Louisiana was dry……it was the Amazon compared to here.

That said, 2 years ago we had a tremendous year, moisture wise. This year was looking pretty normal…..but, things are looking up! memtb